Monday, August 05, 2019

Tractor Pulls

Though the heat wave has gone, the temperatures continue to be in the mid to high 20C. The big difference is the low humidity. It is 13C this morning and was lovely outside while I deadheaded petunias.


We have a resident spider on the deck. She isn't a threat to us so she lives. 
I've been enjoying her web which is unusual to what I've seen in the past. 
It's gone this morning so I am assuming she caught something and ate it thus destroying her web. 
We went to the antique tractor pulls yesterday morning. The Spousal Unit visited with a person who stopped tractor pulls due to his age. He certainly learned a lot. 
This lady won the division she was in. 
This person is someone we met last year. 
The oldest tractor was built in 1937 and the newest ones were mid 1950's. 


No sewing yesterday though I am designing a tiered skirt in my head for the dolls. I'll be using the left over material from the Southwestern/Aztec bag for it. I'm at the point I need to measure the doll and do my calculations. 


I finished the test knit and it's ready for blocking. I need to get the ivory buttons for it and then do a photo shoot. 


We are heading out to pick raspberries while it is cool and then get meat from the meat market. At home, I will try to block the sweater. Knitting will be the Bella Bolero with hopes of finishing it in the next couple of days. 
Until the next time.........................

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