Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Busy Day - Out and Inside

Yesterday was another warm dry day. The high got to 28C and the low this morning was 18C. We saw more cloud come in and it is cloudy today. Rain?


I headed outside to start weeding the hedge along the length of our property. I took the clippers with me and pruned underneath taking all the low branches out. This hedge has thorns on it and I like it much better when it is clear of low growth. Less prickles. I got about 16 feet done when I quit. 
I went into the city with daughter-in-law, mainly for the ride. We were home before lunch as it was a quick trip. I did go and look for something like this for the end of the shed. 
I found nothing so will look in another store when I go shopping again. 


I was IBS symptom free yesterday. The only aches I have are those muscles used from weeding on my hands and knees. I did have one tiny mouthful of cheesecake (dairy and gluten). Otherwise I was completely on track. I'm down 4 lbs since I started watching what I eat and tracking to see if anything causes a flare up. 
I am enjoying being 90% pain free which has allowed me to be outside working in the yard, something I really enjoy. The Spousal Unit and I have done a lot in the past few days and it has started to show when we drive down the street on our way home. 


I worked on the lining of the triangle bag. I am in the process of taking in the seams as it was too big. A trick I use when putting in the lining. 
The lining has both the outer fabrics plus a piece of solid green. I pieced them together to give it a fun look. I also made the loop so the bag can be closed with a custom button. It has piping on it, one of my trademarks. 
Once the bag is done, I will get a couple of pieces of fabric with dogs on it. I will make the owner of this farmer's market bag a Bendy Bag and a Bendy Bit bag and tuck them in as a gift. We taught together for many years and I love to give my teaching friends little gifts when I can. 


The lightening was good enough that I got the soles of one shoe crocheted together. I can now weave in the ends and start on the red. With it so cloudy, I may have to wait until the sun shines to see the stitches for the first row of red. 


The goal is to weed the yard side of the hedge twice the length I did yesterday. If time, I will rake up the ditch as far as I weeded on that side yesterday. I would love to finish the bag today but it may not happen as we go out for family dinner tonight. I do hope that I can take pictures today as I forgot yesterday. 
Until the next time...................................

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