Monday, November 20, 2023

The Power To Resist Temptation

 Though yesterday morning was very cloudy, in a blink of an eye, the clouds disappeared and we had a gloriously sunny day. The high got to 5.5C. This morning it is 0C and there had been showers. We are to have snow flurries today with a high of 1C. 


I was out to get groceries and I hate getting them on a Sunday. The dairy/eggs/cheese/butter area short for some reason. Maybe no deliveries, maybe no one to stock the area. The store wasn't overly busy so I got to do a bit of snoop shopping. I got everything I wanted and came home. 

I did yoga after I got the groceries put away. There was a bit of cracking but not a lot. I did get all the exercises done and felt better. My biggest cracking came at 1:30 am when I rolled over. Things went into place big time. 


I did get a couple of hours sewing on the shirt. The second placket was completed and then I set in the sleeves. Side seams were done and it now looks like a shirt. Albeit one that isn't finished. 


None done last night. I was tired and didn't want to count stitches as I picked them up. 


    I have been watching videos on Christmas crafts and I kept thinking of all the items I could make for sale. I finally realized it wasn't going to happen. When I saw a lady show her inventory for the craft bazaar she was selling at, I realized I didn't want to have that much inventory in my house. She called it her "job" and that is exactly what it is. I admire her for what she is doing but it isn't what I want or need to do. 

    Once I had sorted this out in my brain, I enjoyed watching the crafting videos for ideas of what I can make for a variety of reasons. I looked at how items are packaged so I can do a better job of packaging what I gift. The cloth gift bags are still my favourite even if they take quite a while to make. 

    I do love everything Christmas but I also realize that I need to remain strong by doing what I want and need to do. I don't need to bring more into the house when I am trying to use up what I have. I need to do what I enjoy doing without pressuring myself into doing things that make me unhappy. And I need to remember that I have to balance looking after myself with my sewing/crafting/knitting. I need to resist temptations. 


I have physiotherapy first thing this morning. If I have the energy, I want to vacuum the upstairs. A load of laundry needs to be folded. I want to get the cuffs on the shirt this afternoon. I hope to knit tonight if I am not too tired. 

Until the next time.............................................................

1 comment:

  1. Your shirt is coming along nicely, looks very professional. I keep wishing it were in pretty color, maybe a red print for the holidays.
