Friday, November 24, 2023

Sorting and Organizing Craft Supplies

 Yesterday a thick fog rolled in and it didn't disappear until mid afternoon. The high got to 7.6C. This morning it is somewhat clear and 2C. We are to have mix of sun and cloud and a high of 5C. 


I did yoga first thing and there was some cracking going on as my body aligned itself. It took about 20 minutes to do all the exercises and I did feel good afterwards. I was sore as I hadn't stretched those muscles since physio on Monday.

I cleaned up the kitchen and got out everything to make spaghetti sauce in the afternoon. I hadn't made any for quite some time and was looking forward to having spaghetti, pasta, and spaghetti squash for dinner. It was delicious. 

The rest of the morning was spent cleaning up in the basement. I started in the mechanical/storage room and did a bit of sorting and sweeping. The shelving unit was wiped down except for the top shelf. It will be done in the spring when the items up on it are sold at the garage sale or given away. 

I was in and out of the mechanical room as I corralled the crafting materials I had lying around. I also went through a tub of scrapbooking items/stickers and got what I wanted out of it. Everything is on the shelving unit and I will get a tub for the stickers. 

It will be easy to get to the supplies I need them and easy to put back when I am done. 

I cleaned up one part of the family room. Everything was organized, wiped, and swept. I moved things around until I liked them. Having the lamp on the gramophone helps with the lighting on the table. 

I moved the trolley I have Cricut items in over near the table I work at. It is handy to have it there rather than on the opposite side of the room. I may even put it under the stairs when I don't need it and am going to use the room for something else. 

Elliott joined me while I was cleaning up. He decided to sleep under the quilt with just his face showing. That way he could supervise me working. 

He actually went back to sleep under the quilt in the afternoon. 

I worked a full 90 minutes in the basement with only one rest and that was sorting stickers. It was nice to have that area cleaned up and organized once again. The next part is going to be okay as I have to sort out some cords, put buttons in a jar for junk journals and clean the furniture and floors. 


The shirt is ready for buttons. I hand sewed the cuffs in place and top stitched them. The hem was serged and turned up. 

It needs a good pressing, button holes marked and stitched and buttons sewn on. 

I dug out fabric for gift bags and I have lots of prints but not as much plain fabric as I had hoped. I will start on them in the next couple of days. 

I had a bit of a panic as I want to embroider on the gift bags. I had picked out the following designs to do as I like them for their simplicity. 

I hunted for the files until I was almost sick from the stress. I could not remember the site I got them from. I did a massive hunt through each site on file I had bought. I finally found them in 3 different bundles I had bought a while ago. I will be embroidering them on 3 different bags now that I found them. 

I have also found at least 2 more to cut out on the Cricut and attach to bags. 


I bought the 1965 version of A Charlie Brown Christmas online and will be making it into a junk journal for friends. I am getting a lot of ideas from YouTube videos which is great. I will be going to a thrift store to look for more ideas to add to this journal and other journals I want to make. I am collecting at the moment but don't want to go overboard. This could become an obsession and I have other crafts I want to do also. 


I started to sew up the side seam on the vest. It is slow going as I am trying to do a good job and hide the seam. I am not sure if I have done that but it is done the way it should be done. 

I see I need to go back to the ribbing and get that even. That will be tonight's job. I will hold the area together with yarn so it is even before I restitch it together. Progress is always slow for me when I start to sew the pieces together. 


    I am pushing myself to do more each day. If I don't I will hibernate. Cleaning up the family room was a challenge in my sluggish mind and doing it was easier than I had envisioned. I want to keep it tidy so it will be a breeze to clean up. 

    I did look under the stairs again and backed out. I need to have space to bring it all out to sort and then put a TV box back in first. I also have paint cans to take to the recycling depot and 2 suitcases to sell in the spring. The shop vac supplies need to be stored in the garage which I have to back the car out to get into the cupboards. The Christmas items I didn't want are gone. I am slowly working on my plans for under there. 

    I need to get back to cleaning the sewing room. I stopped as I have to paint part of a wall that was fixed months ago. I may not get back to it until January though I am keeping the part I cleaned tidy. 


Yoga is first and then I want to tidy up the bathroom before I head downstairs to work on the family room. I want to make the buttonholes on the shirt and start cutting out a gift bag which needs vinyl ironed on it. I have to fix the vest and continue sewing up the side seam tonight. 

Until the next time............................................................

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