Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Snooping Through A New Fabric Store

 Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with a high of 3.2C. This morning it is cloudy and -4C. We are to have rain this afternoon and a high of 5C. 


I headed into the city with my neighbour early yesterday morning. She had to pick up her quilting machine as it was in for a cleaning and adjusting. We were home by noon. As we went in, I could see a long line up of traffic going on the highway to Halifax. It wasn't moving very fast and I am sure it would take well over an hour to get to your destination. We didn't get slowed down in traffic until we got into Dartmouth. We crept along as we were heading east. The cause was construction of a building. Once we got through that (17 minutes) we were able to move quickly to our destination. 

I was under the stairs digging for items to go to the thrift shop. It was nice to find things that I don't need or haven't used in years. I got boxes shut and hauled out and into the car. I have one box left to put in before I head out this morning. I am happy to see it going so someone else can enjoy what I don't need. 


Our destination yesterday was Atlantic Fabrics. We wandered the store for about a half hour and I bought these pieces of fabrics for gift bags. 

There were so many Christmas fabrics, it was hard to choose for 2 bags. I need to buy white cotton to line the bottom bag and red ribbon for both. 

I spent time sewing on the cuffs and have them ready to hand sew down before top stitching them. 

It is coming along now and I could have it done by the weekend. 


I picked up the stitches for the armhole and knit 2 rows. 

It will be done soon and I'll be looking at another project to knit. Socks this time. 


    I got a good start under the stairs but have some items to move out to the garage. I need to put them into a tub and into a cupboard. Then it will be getting everything out and doing more sorting. What do I need and what can leave the house. 

    I really had to push myself yesterday afternoon as all I wanted to do was zone out. It was the date that had me feeling sad but I forced myself to do things and think of happy things. 

    I am going to push myself to do some cleaning in the family room each afternoon. I want to have the area cleaned up as I want to do crafts using the Cricut. 


I am off to New Minas to the thrift shop, to look at some books, get some craft supplies, and do a bit of snoop shopping for items for a future project. I want to sew on the shirt, do a bit of cleaning in the family room, and knit tonight. 

Until the next time............................................................

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