Saturday, November 25, 2023

A Lot Of Little Jobs Done

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 6.5C. This morning it is snowing and -7C (windchill -14C). We are to have to have sunshine, clouds, and flurries with a high of -4C. 


I did yoga yesterday morning. I had a fair amount of cracking while doing the exercises. When doing one leg movement, Elliott kept grabbing my pant leg. He had a great time playing with me during that exercise. 

Daughter-in-law was over and brought me a whole bunch of bagged air for when I pack breakables to ship. It filled the box I had set up for the thrift shop. I'm thrilled to have it neatly stored in the maintenance room. We talked about how one curtain rod holder is annoying me and between us (more her) it got fixed. It is nice to have the curtain rods all level now. 

I did clean more of the family room yesterday. There was a lot of sorting and deciding before I could really do the cleaning. I got it done and all the items to the right areas. The room was cleaned and set up. 

I have the area to the right left to clean and then it is under the stairs. There is a lot of empty floor space between the coffee table and the sewing room door. I like that space as it can be used to lay out quilts to square up. Most of the time it is empty and easy to get around in. 


I looked through the trim tubs and pulled pieces from them to use in two junk journals I am going to make. I had a mess but got it into a tub on the shelving unit. I also put spare buttons into a jar so I can use them. Once I could use the cutting table, I measured the button holes for the shirt and got them done. 

I spent a lot of time making sure the button holes were placed on the dark blue line on the shirt front. The cuffs were also done and Fray Check has been applied. I am ready to cut them and sew on the buttons. 

I had a piece of red dot fabric in the family room that needed to be dealt with. I cut a lot of strips for piping for daughter. The rest is to be cut on the bias for one junk journal. What is left from that will go to the quilter's group. 

The fabric for bags has been put on the table and I am ready to make the first one after I sew up the piping. I read the instructions which are a bit confusing. I will read them again and then figure it out. 


I ripped the sewing out of the vest and worked very carefully to get the ribbing to match. I also did 1/4 of the way up the body. It is coming along slowly. I thought I had taken a picture but hadn't. I continue working slowly on it. 


    I ached a lot yesterday (storm coming in) and it left me so tired I was falling asleep on the couch last night. The pain wasn't intense; more annoying as it slowed me down a lot. I had to stop and apply heat to both the hip and knee. 

    I am excited to be thinking about crafts but I do not like how they can get spread out all over the place. I like to have the materials in containers and I like them all to be clear so I can see what is in them. My biggest job will be to clean up after each session. I find that doing that, even in the sewing room, makes me want to create items.  

    I am dreading going under the stairs. Everything needs to come out into the family room to be sorted. I know I will have a mess and a few trips to get rid of things. But when it is cleaned and everything put back in it will be organized and tidy. I have purged under there twice since we moved here and hope that I won't have to do it again until I move. 


I need to go grocery shopping this morning after I do yoga. If I have time, I will start in the last area of the family room. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time...................................................

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