Thursday, November 23, 2023

A Day Out

 Yesterday started off cloudy and ended up wet. The high got to 4C during the night with a daytime temp of about 2C. We had about 3/4" rain fall by midnight. This morning it is cloudy and 5C. We are to have sunshine, clouds, and showers with a high of 8C.


I got the last box into the car before I left for New Minas. It was the heaviest one that I had to move in the wagon and then into the car. Once loaded, I was on my way. 

I stopped at the respiratory therapy clinic to pay what I owed on my CPap machine and then it was over to the thrift store. The lady at the unloading depot was wonderful and I sorted it into regular and Christmas boxes for her. She would unpack the Christmas items first. The store wasn't opened so I didn't go in looking around but will have to one time. 

Next stop was the big craft store. They were having Black Friday sales and I stocked up on items to make now and next year. Most was 65% off. I did snoop shop for items to buy later on. My last stop was Walmart and I got what I needed there and headed home. I wanted to be home before it started to rain.

After lunch, I went over to family's and watched daughter-in-law put up the tree. I ended up helping fluff it out. We had a great visit and I left her to decorate it after looking at the ornaments. It was starting to spit rain and I needed to get the garbage out. That job was done and I realized how tired I was. I had relaxed visiting and my poorer night's sleep caught up with me. 

I did a bit of kitchen clean up but need to spend a bit more time tidying it up. I have found not being home has it negatives. Housework does not get done and I have messes here and there that I need to deal with. 


I didn't sew yesterday. 


I got the ribbing knit and cast off on the armhole. 

I just have to sew the side seams and weave in the yarn ends. I am pleased with how it looks. When done, I am casting on socks for daughter-in-law. 


I have been mulling around how to do crafts more regularly next year. I want to do more gifts using the Cricut. I need to have a plan. So a plan I will have to make. 

My haul at the craft store was big. I got the glass cushion ornaments I still need to get some glitter for them. I found the plastic take apart ornaments in the size I want for candy holders for next year and probably the year after. 

I now need to clear a shelf to put the packaged items and paper onto. I am going to use the shelving unit in the maintenance room. I have a spare tub for smaller items that need to be corralled. That way my trolley will hold tools and rolls of vinyl. 

I need to look at the files I have ready to cut and make my list so I can work my way through them. I do have a lot of supplies bought for them.

And lastly, this needs to be fun not a job. I do love the Cricut and need to work my way through the projects I have planned and get them into tubs to gift next year. 


I have to do yoga as I haven't done it this week. Then I will tidy up the kitchen and head downstairs to work on getting the craft inventory organized. I need to set up a box for thrift store items I will continue to find in this house. I have to make spaghetti sauce this afternoon after I do some sewing. Tonight I want to start sewing one side of the vest. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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