Friday, November 10, 2023

Collar Is On The Shirt

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 5C. This morning it is 3C. We could have a shower/ice pellets this morning, then a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 8C. 


Daughter-in-law was in early to put a new plug-in in the living room. It has chargers for the phone and iPad in it. What a job that was due to the number of wires in the box. She tried to put another one in the kitchen and both boxes were too full of wires. I can see why the previous owners weren't happy with the electrical work done in the this house. 

After breakfast, I spent time cleaning up the mess we made and then set about cleaning the kitchen. It was getting a bit dirty so I tackled it head on. When done, it shone. 

I mixed a bottle of 99% isopropyl alcohol, some water, and a bit of Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle and tried it out. I was pleased with the how it cleaned and shined everything up. I did some windows also. The mirror didn't turn out but the cloth was dirty. I need to try it again with a clean cloth. This will become a staple when cleaning. 

I went down the genealogy rabbit hole the past few days and am learning more about my family tree. Many people went to the US for jobs as the Maritimes were poor provinces. Many went into the easter states with a few in the going a bit further west. I knew of one family that settled in Seattle as we visited them several times. What surprised me was another family settled in Spokane. One of the men who married into the family was the manager of a ranch in Idaho. There were even family in California. These are from my mother's side of the family tree. 


I spent 2 hours doing the collar and collar stand for the shirt. It is on and ready to be hand sewn down before top stitched. One thing I will do is cut one of the collar stands with a 3/8 - 1/2" neck seam allowance to allow for a better turn under at the neckline. 1/4" is almost not enough. 

I did do a lot of hand basting on the collar. It did help as I didn't have to worry about pins or shifting fabric. I am happy with the results of the collar even if sewing a 2 piece collar isn't one of my favourite jobs. I am also rusty as I haven't made a shirt for several years. The more you make the better you get. 


None last night as I need to look up how to sew the one shoulder seam neatly. 

Daughter-in-law found a great yarn shop where they deliver the yarn to you. It is full of wonderful yarns and some are from local artists. 


    I had a huge gain yesterday which was fluid. I have lost over half of it already and will work on getting the rest off over the next couple of days. Cause - pain and inactivity. Cleaning the kitchen plus going up and down stairs and the ladder was good for me yesterday. 

    I have been doing another knee exercise to help with the stiffness and pain I have had in it. It has helped which is nice and it doesn't cause pain in the hip area. I can move the knee out straighter without pain. Now to keep it and the hip lubricated so they don't hurt as much and keep them as healthy as they can be. 

    I have been feeling overwhelmed the past while. Trying to keep the house clean, self care for my hip and knee, and getting ready to ship Christmas parcels has made me want to curl up and sleep. Add cloudy weather and I am almost finished. I am pushing myself to get things done but am being kind to myself also. If the laundry takes a few days to get folded that is okay. If I skip cleaning for a day, that is also okay. I have to pace myself so I feel like I have accomplished things but also do things I enjoy without feeling guilty. 


I need to do yoga and go for a walk. I am going to fold the laundry and start cleaning the living room. I have a few small chores on the to-do list that I know I can do. I would like to sew down the collar and top stitch it and work on my knitting tonight. 

Until the next time................................................

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