Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I Picked Up Stitches On The Wrong Side

 Yesterday was sunny until mid afternoon and then it was cloudy and grey. The high got to 5.1.C. This morning it is 1C. We could have showers or snow flurries this morning and then a mix of sun and cloud. The high is to get to 6C. 


I was out the door to shop early yesterday so yoga was put on hold for the day. I headed into the city and enjoyed the lovely weather. The larch trees are turning a rusty colour and will be loosing their needles soon. They look unique against the other conifers that are still dark green. 

In the city I did my shopping getting a couple of stocking stuffers, winter boots, slippers and socks. I snooped shop through the Christmas decorations but saw nothing I liked. Though only out a short time, it is getting picked over quickly. I was off to the big craft store to have a look at their Christmas items. They had them on for buy one get one free. I got a few items there. 

Once done I meandered towards home stopping at the dollar store. I picked up a few more Christmas items. At this point I was sweating so grabbed a bag of dried apples. My blood sugar was low. Once done there, I posted the box to daughter and headed home. 

After lunch of wonderful potato and leek soup with crackers, I played with what I had bought. For the kitchen, I brought up a mug with cardinals on it and put 4 picks in it. 

This arrangement sits on the window ledge above the sink. I used up the left over purple and white sand from other projects to hold the picks in place. I will buy more white sand at a later date as I really like it for projects. It gives the weight to the container and something to push the stems into. 

I took the small blue truck I bought along with the baubles and put them on the dresser in the spare bedroom. 

I love the truck and it will become a part of the winter collection I want to have out. I need more baubles so will have to get another set or two. 

I want them stacked high in the dish. 

With the fun things done, I was out the door with the pruning sheers to trim back the rose bush and cover it. There were 2 roses blooming and a couple of buds. I cut it back about 50% and covered it with burlap. I will trim it back more in the spring. The yard work is done and I am ready for winter. 

Elliott spent some time near me last night. He was so relaxed he looked silly. 


I didn't sew yesterday as I ran out of time and was feeling off. I did my glucose reading at dinner and it was 4.3. I had been fighting a sugar low starting at noon. I'm glad I didn't sew as who knows what I would have done. 


I knit on the armhole of the sweater last night and cast it off. I then sewed the second shoulder together being very careful to have no cast off seams showing. When I laid it on the couch to admire, I saw I had picked up the stitches on the wrong side and knit the ribbing without noticing it. 

The ridge where the ribbing comes out is suppose to be on the inside. I ravelled the yarn into a small ball, said some things to myself, and put it away. I'll tackle it another day. 


    I enjoyed looking at the Christmas decorations yesterday. There is a wider variety of colours out this year. Some stores are still showing the traditional red, green, silver, gold, and light blue. Others have added pinks and sage greens to their shelves. Deer, owls, and other woodland items were seen in some stores but not in others. I was very careful when buying as I have a limit to what I can have. It is part of my plan to only have what I truly love. 

     Though tired, my hip and knee hurt less yesterday while shopping. It is less sore this morning. It certainly helps me get more done when I have less pain. I continue on my mission to get strong, and loose weight so ward off surgery for as long as possible. 

    I am not sure why I had low glucose yesterday. I have been more in the mid 5 range lately which I love. 


I am waiting to see if I can get in to see the physiotherapist today and will work my day around that. I want to head to New Minas to pay a bill, get more of the baubles, get a couple more things I need. If I can't go, I hope to sew and knit today after I tidy up a bit. 

Until the next time............................................................

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