Friday, November 20, 2020

Trying to Relax With Sewing and Knitting

 Yesterday was sunny but cool. The high got to 2C. The temperature rose to 6C overnight and is suppose to get to 12C today. Not entirely sure why we will have 2 days of warm weather. 


We were both tired yesterday. Tired and cranky to be exact. I'm sure the cause is stress and anxiety. We are not sleeping well and both of us are restless. I didn't do much other than a big load of laundry yesterday morning.

The Spousal Unit has been working on a 2000 piece puzzle. He's happy if he gets 2-6 pieces together in an afternoon. Yesterday he had a big run and was putting pieces together for a good 2 hours. 

The doorbell rang yesterday afternoon and our new neighbor was here to get the snowblower that we gave him. We haven't used it since our first winter here. He got it home and had it running in 5 minutes. We knew it worked and glad he has it to do his driveway. We enjoy shoveling ours and our friend uses his snowblower at the end of the driveway to clean up after the road is plowed.  

There was only 1 case of the virus reported yesterday but 1 person is in the hospital. The total number of cases remains at 23 as people are recovering. There were 9 more exposures listed late last night and it is creeping towards where I want to shop. Most happened over the weekend where grandson and I shopped on Friday; none have been posted with that date in that area. There was a 2nd case of the virus identified at one of the schools and it has been closed today.


I did sew on the doll's dress very slowly yesterday. The jabot is done. 

I fiddle with the pleats to get them right reading the instructions several times while folding the paper pattern. The sleeves are cut out as are the plain bands for them. The bands are sewn on ready for me to begin inserting the sleeves. The neck band is also cut and folded. It was at this point I realized the bodice wasn't lined. I quit for the day as I wanted to line the bodice. I am not going to do it as it isn't called for. I have to serge seams before I do any more sewing.


I did several rows on a test pattern (headband) for the dolls. It is the daisy stitch and I am using a variegated yarn. I have 2 rows of the pattern done and will need to knit several more before the pattern really shows. 

I also worked on the hat and got several more rows done. I'm quite happy with how the color is going on this one.


I will be heading out to pay some bills this morning and then it's home for the day. I hope to do a bit of housework, sew, knit, and rest. 

Until the next time............................................

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