Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sewing Room Cleaned Up

 Yesterday was a warm day. It hit you when you went outside. The high got to 16C. This morning it was 7C at 6 a.m. and it isn't going to get much warmer. 


The masks got shipped out west. It was a nice drive into town to do it. We only stopped at the post office and then went home. No Black Friday shopping for us. It was a home day. 

There were 9 cases of the virus reported yesterday. A nice surprise for everyone but we have been told to expect the numbers to rise. There are 4000 people waiting to get tested and over 3500 were done on Thursday. The young people got praise for stepping up to get tested en-mass. The province will be sending out a mobile testing station to a community near us as they have found Covid-19 in the sewage. I appreciate what the government, public health, and citizens are doing to keep Nova Scotians safe. 


I pulled myself off the couch and cleaned up the sewing room. I ironed the fabric I had laundered, swept the floor, put away spools of embroidery thread, and cleaned up the cutting table. And, the garbage went out. Two full bags of it.

As I was ironing the fabric, I was having fun thinking about which outfit to sew for Addy first. I am thinking it will be the Civil War dress in a green print.

I was inspired to work on the test dress I never got finished. I spent a lot of time getting the pleats right on the second sleeve and it is now sewn in. 

It gets pressed after being sewn in. It fits perfectly. It is ready to be hemmed and then I will read the pattern for the next steps (probably collar and lining).

At that point, I called it quits. I will work on it as I have time. It is almost time for me to finish up the Christmas sewing for family. I am looking forward to that. 


As we listened to the update of the virus, I knit. I continued to knit until bedtime and got a lot done on the messy bun hat. It is half done.

I am going to continue to knit messy bun hats (new pattern soon) as daughter informed me I have 14 skeins of yarn coming. She called it hoarding and I'm starting to agree. I have part skeins left over and will knit some in the new pattern I got. It keeps me busy during the winter months. 


It is another stay at home day and I need to focus on housework, sewing, and knitting. The Spousal Unit will work on his puzzle. 

Until the next time.......................................

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