Sunday, November 08, 2020

A Trip To Truro

 Yesterday was a lovely warm and sunny day. The high got to 18C they say but I saw 19C. This morning is cooler at 6C and it is cloudy. The high is to get to 10C.


Yesterday morning, I cleaned our bedroom. I dusted, swept, washed and got rid of a lot of dust. It smelled cleaner in there last night. It took me a full 3 hours to do but so worth it. I need to wash all the bedding today. 

We decided to take a drive yesterday after lunch. We hopped into the car, set the gps for Truro and took a back road over there. It was an interesting drive as we have only been as far as Mosherville on that road. We went there a couple of years looking for ancestor's gravesites. As we drove, we could see the land looked good for agriculture and as we got closer to Truro, the farms got larger. 

We looked at the trees and saw an evergreen type tree that's needles were yellow. They are larch/tamarack and will loose their needles later this month and get them back in March. They are not a true evergreen tree. The fall colors have dimmed so we saw no fiery reds, oranges, or yellows. 

As we got closer to Truro, we saw a lot more dairy farms, and many old buildings showing this area was settled many years ago. We arrived in the town of Truro and it is a thriving community. It was known as The Hub as it is the way to get to Cape Breton, Halifax, and New Brunswick. After a quick stop at Tim Hortons, I reset the gps to get to Bible Hill. I thought this is where I was taken to in the early 1990's when I first visited this town. I was wrong. The Hill I was taken to is probably Prince Street or so I now think. I remember wanting to see the "old houses" and was told it was where the African Nova Scotians lived (in much harsher words). When we go back, we will look at other areas of Truro. But, we did learn that the Agricultural Campus (Dalhousie University) and the Department of Agriculture is found in the Bible Hill area. We also learned that it's fast access to the freeway at Bible Hill. 

We took the freeway home. It is a more boring drive but faster and easier. We arrived home tired but happy we did the trip. 

As I do the driving, I took no pictures. There were a couple of ancient barns I would have taken pictures of but only one told a great story. Most have been clad with metal and the one I loved showed some of the wood shake siding. 

We had 4 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. Two are related to travel outside the Atlantic Bubble and 2 are close contacts of previous cases. We have the most cases (20) since May 23. 

There was no sewing or knitting yesterday due to our trip and I was tired when we got home. 


Laundry, sewing and knitting. A bit of housework while the laundry is being done. 

Until the next time..............................................

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