Monday, November 09, 2020

Sewing And Knitting Progress

 Yesterday was a cool day with a high of 8C. There was no rain and very little wind. This morning it was 8C and it is suppose to get to 15C. Warmer weather for the next two days. 


Yesterday morning was spent looking at maps, looking at the family tree, and talking about our next trip to the Truro region. We finished up at noon. We learned that my mother's family came to Nova Scotia in the early 1800's to Pictou County and most of the family still remains there today. If they moved, it was to the States with my mother being of the few who moved to western Canada. 

There were three new cases of the virus reported yesterday. There are 20 active cases, the most since May. People are asked to be tested if they were in certain places but we have not been there. But, we are becoming concerned and will be doing less in the city if the numbers keep climbing. 


I looked at my sewing room in disgust. What a mess. I got to it and started sewing the sailor's hat as it is the last item to be sewn on the test pattern. 

The pattern doesn't show the hat lined, but I am lining it. I just have the brim to sew on and then attached and hand sew the lining to cover the seam allowance. 

My next job -- clean the sewing room. Two days of it. And then onto Christmas masks. 


I did quite a bit of knitting last night and have the dress ready to start the skirt. 

It will be slower knitting as the skirt has many vertical rows of cables. I will get it done though as I am enjoying how this dress looks. 


I am off to the city to do some shopping. I may just go to Bedford as I can get everything there. I am hoping that most of the Christmas shopping will be done. I'd like to sew on the hat this afternoon but I am not sure if I will or not. Knitting tonight.

Until the next time.................................................

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