Monday, March 23, 2020

Another Project Done

This morning it is cold and sunny. We woke to -12C temperatures. It is suppose to snow tomorrow which isn't what we wanted in March. It seems as if March came in like a lion and leaving like a lion. 


Nova Scotia has declared a state of emergency and have new rules in place. Personal fines of $1k per day if you are gathering in groups and not self isolating, $7.5k and upwards if business are not following the rules. If you are coming in from another province you have to self isolate for 14 days unless you are deemed essential services. I'm sure this is happening because of non-compliance in the province. The number of cases up to yesterday was 21. 
Our street is pretty quiet. People are outside in their yards but aren't visiting much. Kids are still being self isolated. Those who need to go to work are going and I'm sure the rest are working from home. 
We are holding up well though it is hard on us. We did have a snarl at the puzzle table yesterday. I left so we both could calm down. We were fine after that. I'm sure we will be testy with each other again. 


I spent time making the Portable Doll's Closet. The front part of mine is fabric as I was testing the pattern to see if it was worthy of the expense (I have the clear vinyl in the stash). It is. 
The bag closes with velcro and I will be using snaps. I don't like velcro near the clothes. The seams are enclosed so no raw edges can be seen; a very nice feature. 
And it hangs perfectly on a hanger which I like. 
I can see more of these being made. Some wider and longer for dresses. The size given is perfect for pants, t-shirt and shoes. 


I'm knitting away on the fair isle part of the body of the sweater. I had to undo a row as I made a mistake. I read the pattern incorrectly. I'm hoping to finish the fair isle part by tomorrow night. After that it will be easier knitting with only one color. 


I need to do some housework, then start on daughter's Christmas tree skirt (3 days of Christmas sewing coming up) and knit on the sweater. If it isn't windy, I'm going outside to pick up some garbage on the front lawn. 
Until the next time.......................................

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