Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Plans Turned Upside Down

 Yesterday was warm and sunny. The high got to 11.2C. It is cloudy and 10C this morning. At 2 am, there was one flash of lightening, one clap of thunder and heavy rain for a couple of minutes.  Today we are to have rain and wind (under two warnings) and a high of 11C. 


All of my plans went out the window yesterday morning. Daughter-in-law texted asking if I had rapid test kits as hers were expired. I thought mine were okay but they were expired. She had tested positive for Covid and wanted an up to date kit. I tried mine and was negative. We tried the new kits and had the same results. 

A plan of action was put in place at that time as she and son were quarantined. He had tested positive with a faint line (had it and is almost over it). Grandson, who tested negative, needed to be picked up after school and by that time, he was coming to stay with me. I picked him up and we picked up his stuff. We went for dinner and settled in. 

While we made the plan of action, I had to tidy up the spare bedroom, move the cat box out to the front landing, and get things ready for the evening. I was on the move most of the day getting things done and was happy to be active. Grandson and I had a great first evening together. We talked about the YouTube videos we like (we both like Trek Trendy) and found another video we are going to watch after homework is done. 

Crafting and Sewing

I did get down to work on the quilt. I trimmed the two blocks, sewed them together and have them ready to hand sew the seam on the back. No pictures as I left the room tidy to finish upstairs jobs. 


I did knit on the foot of the first sock and got it done to the toe. 

I sat quietly watching cooking videos and knit while grandson did his homework. 


    It took almost 4 years for Covid to hit the Nova Scotia family. I am impressed that we got this far with no one having it. Proud that we dodged the virus so long. It was bound to happen as family is out a lot in public places. They have been as careful as they can be. 

    I am at the stage that if I get Covid, I get it. I will still wear a mask when out and take all the precautions I have been taking. I am hoping that I don't get it but one can never tell when it is one's turn.

    I had a very active day and I lost the weight I had put on. This means I need to get out and walk and speed up in the house doing things. I felt great and my back cracked a couple of times aligning itself into place. 

    We are to have quite a bit of rain for the next 24 hours and then it is going to turn cold again. The weather is crazy here but not unusual for this time of the year. 


I am getting ready to take grandson to school and then go to physio. I have to do some shopping and some laundry. I want to work on the quilt and smock though I may nap this afternoon as I was awake during the night. I will knit tonight until I pick up grandson at 9 pm from school. It will be a busy day with quiet times planned. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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