Sunday, February 04, 2024

Digging Out From The Storm

 Yesterday was snowy, windy, windy, snowy with a high of -2.4C. They say about 11 cm of snow fell but who really knows. This morning it is a repeat of yesterday and -5C. We are to have more wind, more snow and a high of -2C. Windchills have been between -10 and -13C over the past 24 hours. 


I was out the door in good time to shovel snow. I did the back deck and then helped my neighbour's boys finish up the driveway. I didn't feel too bad afterwards but rested and hydrated. 

After lunch, I was back out to shovel more snow. It was less than in the morning. As I was shovelling one of the boys down the street asked if he could help. We did the driveway and the deck. When we came back to the front of the house, we watched the plow put more snow into the driveway. Down we went to shovel it out. I was more tired and rested a bit longer. 

While shovelling, I tried to shovel right to left to right so my right hip turned outwards. It was hard to do but it did save me a lot of soreness. I walked about 1.6 km while shovelling snow. As I went to bed last night the road was plowed again and I have a snow berm in the driveway to deal with today. I have to shovel the deck but it isn't as bad. I have to be out tomorrow morning for physio so need to have things cleaned out. 

I ate a lot of carbs yesterday to keep my glucose levels up. It worked and I didn't feel stuffed due to the amount of exercise I did. I hope after today I can go back to eating like I was. I need to have extra carbs today so I can shovel. 

Sewing and Crafting

Between shovelling, I was downstairs crafting and sewing. I worked on the quilt and got the quilting done on the first 4 blocks. 

The first block was labour intensive as I could do a lot of quilting. The second block was easy as I only had to quilt one red dot rectangle. 

The third block had to have the center block quilted along with one red rectangle and the last block had more quilting on it. 

I now can trim and sew the blocks together and do more quilting. As I am more familiar with the design, it is going together quicker. 

Once done the quilt blocks, I worked on the journal. I moved the artist cards to another page. Having them in the center fold was too busy. 

I am quite happy with the result of the page. 


I took my hat apart yesterday and wound the yarn into a ball. I then started to knit it into a smaller size. I got 18 rounds done before I stopped. 

I am sure it will be done before I know it. I am wearing a wind proof fleece hat right now due to the weather conditions but I love to wear this hat when I go shopping. 


    Everyone was shovelling themselves out yesterday. I was so grateful to have some of the younger ones help me. One boy had his 4 wheeler out with a blade on the front. He was going up and down our street cleaning out the snow berms from driveways. People think of others on our street which is nice. 

    I am tired from shovelling snow but know I can do it. I am realizing I need to take my time and throw snow so my bad hip turns outwards not inwards. I am in good shape to do the job but have to take care of my joints. I have a plan when I go out -- I dress warmly, carry my phone, unlock all the doors. I start on the worst job first. Usually the deck but it can be the driveway. I go slow but steady. Once done, I rest, apply heat and hydrate. 

    I read that Nova Scotia's ground hog did not see his shadow on Feb. 2nd. Early spring? I don't know. Easter is at the end of March so it could be early. With this storm, we may have a late spring. 


Shovelling snow is at the top of the to-do list. I have to put my outdoor clothes into the dryer to make sure they are dry and warm. I have to do some housework today and should do the balance sheet. I hope to work on the quilt when I have time. Knitting tonight. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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