Tuesday, February 27, 2024

I Rewarded Myself

 Yesterday wasn't as sunny as expected as some light clouds floated in. The high got to 2.6C. This morning it is cloudy (still can see a hazy moon) and 0C. The high is to get to 6C where it will remain overnight. 


I was out to get groceries yesterday morning and spent quite a while in the store. It is being renovated and everything is being moved around while areas are being done. It is fun to see what is happening as they update everything and frustrating when you need something and it's been moved. I got everything I needed and a few extra things to make pulled pork for the freezer.

At home, I got everything put away and the freezer inventory updated. It is nice to be able to see what is in the freezer at a glance. I got this idea from a YouTube video I watch. I have a couple of other ideas I want to use of hers also. 

I am getting ready for tax season. I have the program downloaded and need to start on it. It takes me about 2 weeks to do as I go over everything carefully several times before submitting it. I am also feeling rusty as I had someone do it for me last year as we had to file a "final" tax report for the Spousal Unit. 

Since the bout of depression/pain, I have been tired. I have been busy but I am not sleeping as well as I would like. I also have been having IBS issues which is getting better. I am hoping that I am breaking the cycle of all this as I am feeling better. The sunshine certainly has helped a lot.

The municipality has been out to salt our roads this morning. We are to have a lot of rain on Wednesday and then turn colder on Thursday. I am wondering if the salt is to stop the melting snow from freezing on the road though it isn't going to be cold before it rains. 

Sewing and Crafting

I was to the scrapbooking store to get some supplies. My treat for 2 months of "use what I have". I had fun looking at all the items in the store. I got some paper, ink, and cutouts. I also got brushes to put the ink onto the paper. They are wonderful. I had a bit of fun playing with the ink pads and laying out items for tags on the paper I had inked. 

The ink on this one is Tumbled Glass and I love it. 

The ink on this one is Faded Lilac and I love it just as much. 

I am excited to play with everything I bought so I can make items to sell. I am also a huge fan of the the designer of the cut out pieces. 

I did spend time in the sewing room and got the first blocks quilted where I had joined them together. I then started on blocks 3 and 4 and they are ready to be trimmed and sewn together. 

This quilt is going to be bigger in real life than it was in my mind. 

It will certainly keep me warm next winter. 

My last job of the afternoon was to work on the chemise. I pulled up the pleats and one of the threads broke. I was devastated. I pulled out all the pleating threads and pressed the pleats out. I threaded up the pleater and pleated the chemise neckline again. It is now ready to smock as the threads are tied off. 

I finished up the afternoon putting away everything I didn't need out on the cutting table and will have a tidy space to work in today. 


I had a good run at knitting the foot on sock #1. I got 21 of the 42 rows completed. It is so easy to do as it is knit on the back and pattern on the front of the sock. Around and around and around you go. 

I will have to join another ball of yarn on to the foot tonight.


    I have had a better frame of mind lately and am monitoring what I am eating to see if I can find the food(s) that are causing the IBS flare up. I have cut back on gluten and dairy as I had been having more than usual. We wait and see if those are the culprits.

    I have decided that I am going to sew/knit the dolls each a wardrobe and a quilt. The goal is to use the patterns I have and allow myself to buy one pattern a month if I sew it up immediately. I am not worrying about the era of the doll, I am going to make historical and modern clothes. I have decided to start with Kit as she is one of my favourite dolls. 

    I am looking forward to spring and getting outside to do things and walk every other day. I have missed that part of my daily exercise regime. I have to say I am ready to put away the snow shovels until next winter. 


I have a pork roast in the slow cooker to make pulled pork meals. I will have to finish them up tomorrow as the pork will take up to 10 hours to cook. I want to do yoga, laundry, and some house work this morning. I am going to sew on the quilt, start smocking the first row on the chemise, and knit tonight. If the road looks dry, I may go for a short walk this afternoon for some fresh air. 

Until the next time............................................................

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