Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Fun Sewing Afternoon

 Though yesterday was cloudy, it wasn't dull. We had very few flurries which was nice. The high got to -0.2. This morning it is cloudy and -3C. We are to have some flurries, wind, and a high of 2C.


I headed out the door to shovel yesterday morning. The big snowflakes had turned tiny and very wet. I was worried about freezing rain on the snow making it dangerous to walk on. I scraped the driveway and did the back deck on my own. By the time I was done, I was dragging the shovel behind me to the garage. I was really tired but happy I got the job done. I was the only one out shovelling so was probably thought of as crazy. 

After resting, I did a load of laundry and tidied up the kitchen some more. I did what I could and rested lots. I wasn't going to push myself but I wasn't going to nap. 

I loader came down the street widening it. He pushed snow into driveways on the other side and went back and cleaned them out some. Hard to do when your bucket is open an open grid design. He didn't touch our side of the street as the snow is piled up far from the pavement. Saved from having to shovel wet snow. By that point, my driveway was clear of the residue/ice. 

I had fresh chicken noodle soup for lunch and it was delicious. I so enjoyed it that I savoured every mouthful. I have lots of soup in the freezer to enjoy this month. 

Sewing and Crafting

I spent the afternoon in the sewing room. I made piping first up which took me about an hour to make. 

I think it would look perfect on a black shirt.

Daughter said hoard but has promised me she will try to use one piece a month. 

I decided to start on the wine bottle bags and sewed on the toppers. I checked the time and decided to work on them until 4 pm (about 2 hours). The last piece of lining required was dug out of the stash and cut out. I did sort of an assembly line sewing on them. All the side and bottom seams, and press. I then did all the box corners sewing each bag's corners before starting the next one. Then it was put the bags together. Before I knew it, the three bags were done to having the turning hole hand sewn up.

I need to buy red ribbon for them and will hand sew them on with 2-3 stitches at the back. I will add something to ribbons - bells and a card. I will be making more of these bags as they are easy to make -- no interfacing required. 

I looked at the journal and have 2 ideas mulling around in my head. I need to work on them in the next couple of days. 


I was so tired last night that I didn't knit. I didn't even look at patterns. 


I need to go grocery shopping so will do that this morning. I want to work on the quilt and the journal pages this afternoon and try to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.................................................................

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