Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Another Busy Day

Yesterday was cloudy with flurries. The high got to 0C. This morning it is cloudy and -1C. We can have a bit of everything today - flurries, wind, freezing rain, blowing snow, and a high of 0C. The wind chill -- -7C. 


I looked out about 7:30 and the boys were shovelling my driveway. I didn't have to do it first thing. They shovelled while their dad snow blowed their driveway. 

After breakfast, I cleaned the kitchen. I gave it a good scrubbing down and shone up the appliances. I even cleaned the fridge and freezer. Got rid of a bag of outdated food from it. Even the recycling got taken out and when I was done I admired how nice the kitchen looked. 

I donned my outside clothes and grabbed my shovel and trekked to the back to shovel the deck. The stairs looked like a slide and had over 12" of snow drifted. I slowly dug them out taking care not to twist my hip. Awkward when you have to turn around to throw the snow. Once I found the stairs, I started on the deck. I only had half of it to shovel; the other half was bare. But, the half I did was packed in with about 18" of snow. I took my time and got the job done. I was sweating when I finished but cleaned off the stairs on my way down them. I literally drug the shovel behind me going back to the garage. I was tired. 

Once inside, I grabbed an apple juice to drink. I knew I was near having a sugar low. I had it before I took off my outside clothes. I hung everything up to dry before resting and having a glass of water. I was amazed that my hip and knee didn't hurt at all. Some other muscles were aching from all the hard work they had to do. Throwing snow from left to right is hard when you are not use to it. I had to keep reminding myself to do it to keep my hip from not tilting in. 

I put two chicken carcasses on to make chicken broth. They both had lots of meat on them. I got 7 cups of broth and about a pound of meat. I froze 6 cups of broth/chicken and have a small bowl of soup and some meat for today. I now have lots of soup in the freezer for the rest of winter. 

Sewing and Crafting

I spent the afternoon working on the cardinal quilt. I quilted, sewed, and hand stitched until I got row 1 completed. 

I am pleased with how this row looks. A lot of work but worth it. Row 2 has been prepped ready to start working on it. 

Row 2 has less quilting. I only do the center row on the blocks. I hope to have them done by Friday or Saturday. 

Today we get the first lesson on sewing something from the Tudor era. I am looking forward to that. I may have to start looking in the stash for fabrics so I can do a bit each day. 


I finished knitting my hat and am happier with the size. 

Next up is socks. I will make a pair for daughter once I find a pattern I like. 


    We survived the storm. It was a nasty one for us. We didn't get the brunt of it. Cape Breton Island got between 40-60" of snow and a state of emergency was declared. They need help to dig out that part of the province. This nasty storm detached itself from the low pressure system and stalled over the Maritimes. I am sure this has happened before as pictures have been posted showing deep snow in years gone by. We have experienced some heavy snowfalls since moving here. 

    The municipality has salted our roads in preparation for the chance of freezing rain. They did our area at 7 am. There was no school yesterday and some buses will not be running today due to the weather and road conditions in some areas. The K-5 children are lining up here to catch the bus. Not sure about the middle school bus and most of the high school students walk to that school.

    Now that the storm is over with, I am going to eat correctly. I ate more carbs while shovelling snow but maintained my weight. I now want to loose the 1.3 lbs I gained two weeks ago. I can do it. 


I am going to scrape the bit of snow off the driveway first thing. I have to do a load of laundry and tidy up the living room area. I am going to make piping today and work on another page of the journal I have an idea brewing in my head for it. Tonight I will start knitting socks. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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