Sunday, March 05, 2023

New Projects Started

 Yesterday was a bit cooler with not as much sun. In fact it was cloudy but not dull and dark. The high got to -2C. This morning it is -5C and we could have a high of 2C with sun and clouds. 


I swept both the upstairs and downstairs floors yesterday morning. Not too bad until I did the sewing room floor. It was full of fibre and threads. It is now done and once the crazy snow stops, I will wash the floors. 

I had a quick drink and headed outside to shovel the deck. The easiest part was walking down the side of the house. Not a lot of snow. Once I got to the back of the house, the work began. I cleared off the stairs with the shovel and then went back and finished them up with my gloves. A good 12" of snow was packed on them. The deck was worse. Two-thirds of it had 2 ft of packed snow with the rest having a foot. I shovelled it off in layers and it was hard work. An hour later I was done and sweating. My feet were cold as I was up to my ankles in snow. I admired my work and went in to have a rest. 

I am getting stronger. The first time I shovelled the deck, I had to lift each shovel full over the railing. Now I can stand back 8 feet and fling it over. Yes, it is light snow but it was packed. Yes, I had to rest due to the amount of snow I had to shovel. But I recovered in good time after resting. I was tired last night but not exhausted. 

There is more snow coming in late tonight and my hip and knee are telling me it is coming. I will be putting heat on and stretching to help with pain control. 

I went out to get Elliott more food midafternoon but the vet clinic closes at 1 pm on Saturday. I have one happy cat as he is getting pate to help stretch the dry food until I can get more tomorrow. 


I cleaned up the cutting table yesterday so it is more organized. One tub is ready to be put on the shelving unit, one is ready for scraps to go in the trash, and the rest will get sewn this month. The bags of fabric, interfacing, and batting are tucked under the sewing table so I can keep track of them. I have cut into the Deco-bond interfacing and it looks like I have enough for 2 - 3 more bags. The rest hasn't been touched though it will. Each bag takes a meter of light interfacing plus the Deco-bond. I am using what I have in the stash right now. It is going quickly. 

I spent some time cutting out another gift bag. This one is 10" wide by 20" long. It will be under 8" tall when done. I embroidered a snowflake on it.

I have enough of the snowflake fabric to make one more gift bag this size and then I need to use other fabrics for lining. The fabric is now interfaced ready to sew the bag together. 

While the embroidery was stitching out, I deconstructed the last pair of panties. I now have the pattern on them ready to cut out and sew. 

I walked over to my friends yesterday afternoon to take the picture of the horse. She wanted to talk about one area that she is going to start quilting. We had a good discussion on it. The mane is done and it looks wonderful. I didn't take pictures of it as I'm waiting until it is done. It will be exciting to put the binding on and call it done. I will never do another one of these again. One is enough for me. 


I worked on the tam last night and it is too small. I need to unknit it and do it on larger needles. I have lots of evenings to work on it. And it is easy to knit. I'll start it tomorrow night. 


I have to clean up some today and do laundry. Then it's downstairs to sew. I am out to family's for dinner tonight and when home I will relax. I may ravel out the tam while watching TV. I am having an easy day as I will be out shovelling snow again tomorrow. 

Until the next time...................................................

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