Thursday, March 16, 2023

Frustrated and Disappointed

 Though yesterday wasn't sunny, the high got to 4C. It did rain during the day and snowed during the night. This morning there is over an inch of new snow and the temperature is -1C. The high is to get to 1C with a windchill of -6C. We could have some flurries today as it is snowing lightly right now.


I did housework yesterday morning and did laundry. It was nice to get the bed linens changed and the bathroom cleaned up. I took out the garbage late yesterday afternoon. 

As it was dull, I felt tired and wanted to nap in the afternoon. I didn't allow myself and realized after eating dinner that I might have been hungry and had a lower blood sugar. I have also been eating very carefully as I am trying to heal from the IBS attack I had. 


I didn't sew yesterday but I did put a piece of fabric on the cutting table. It is for the project after I make the doll tights. It is for a bag similar to one I made for daughter last Christmas. 

I will have to pull out the plank fabric and start designing. 

I played with the Cricut yesterday. It wouldn't cut through the material when I did the first cut and I had issues with it after that. I finally got one test sunflower cut out that was amazing. But, I had to cut it twice to make it work. I was disappointed and frustrated that something was wrong that couldn't be addressed during the learning curve. It wasn't even mentioned in the lesson (video and written). I was grinding my teeth. 

Once done, I quit for the day and spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is wrong. I found something this morning to try. I am hoping between calibration and manage custom materials I will have things fixed. If not, I will call customer service. I am really wanting to use this machine at least once a week as I have projects I want to do. Paper first then vinyl. 


No knitting last night. I looked at it briefly but didn't touch it. 


    I am tired of winter (once again I am saying this). I know we had a mild winter but the number of snow falls we've had in the past 3 weeks has been unreal and I am tired of shovelling snow. I also want to hibernate and do nothing.

    My hip and knee are getting stronger. I stop on the stairs and do the exercises a few times a day. They don't hurt as much but I can feel it in both my knee and hip. I am walking better each day which is nice. The next trip to physio in April will probably be my last one unless I need a tune-up.


I have a hair cut this morning after I shovel snow off the driveway and will do a bit of housework when I get home. I am going to tackle the Cricut and see if I can get it to cut properly and call customer service if I don't. I really would like to sew the doll's tights and start the next hat tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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