Friday, March 10, 2023

A Busy But Enjoyable Day

 Yesterday was a mixed bag of weather. There were flurries, sunshine, and lots of cold wind. The high got to 2.2C. This morning it is -2C, a bit windy, the sun is going to shine some and then get cloudy and we could have flurries. The high is to get to 1C.


I was out the door in good time yesterday (and didn't have to shovel snow) to take grandson to school. Once home and after having breakfast, I tidied up the kitchen, washed the back door, cleaned the glass in it and the window above the sink. The floor was swept and scrubbed hard. It was dirty from me tracking in and out the back door when shovelling snow. It was nice to stand back and admire a clean kitchen. 

I did my exercises two or three times yesterday. As I came up the stairs I would do them. My hip and knee were tired and there was some pain but it seems to be helping. I have been putting heat on them twice a day; late afternoon and evening. I notice when tired, I limp some when I walk. 

I took grandson to physio mid afternoon and stopped in to see a friend while waiting for him to have his treatment. We had a lovely chat and a cup of tea. Once home, I rested as I was a bit sore. I had done some walking outside which was nice as the hard surfaces were dry. 


I had a successful day in the sewing room. The bag was made in record time. By the time I had to go get grandson for physio, I only had the top stitching to do and the opening to hand sew. 

I have to hammer the top flat as it is quite bulky. Once that is done, I will finish it ready to ship to daughter. 

Next up is finishing the hand sewing the binding down on the horse. It can be added to the parcel also. Then I can clean up the scraps from the projects so I can start something new -- doll's tights. I also need to make a fat quarter of piping for daughter. 

I am working my way through the interfacing in the stash. I used up another meter of lighter interfacing on the lining for the above bag. I will be using what I bought in the very near future. I won't have a lot left of interfacing when I get done the bags I have to make. 

Daughter found an embroidery file of a Brittany Spaniel. I will be purchasing it to make them something. 


I opened one of the yarn bins and this was waiting for me to knit. There were two of them so both are now released from the bin.

I grabbed the needles and started it while resting in the late afternoon. Several mistakes later I realized I had the wrong size needles and upon looking closely I actually had two different size needles. Got that sorted out and by the time I was done for the evening I had got a good start on the hat. 

It was hard knitting on bigger needles to start with but I've got the hang of it now. The yarn is lovely and soft and knits up quickly. 


    It was nice to have the kitchen cleaned up. It makes me want to keep cleaning the upstairs once again. I will do it in small chunks so I can keep it clean. 

    I am noticing that I am getting stronger and am able to do more all the time. Between exercising and shovelling snow, I notice it when doing jobs inside. I also don't want to sit as much as I use to though I do need to remember to rest. It is as important as moving and exercising. 

     The fluid I put on is coming off. Half is gone and hope the rest comes off in the next 24 hours. I noticed that my joints were stiff yesterday morning and are better today. 

    The bags I have been sewing are fun but I will be happy when they are done. I need to get back to the list of items I want to make this year. At least I'm not getting into trouble or being bored. Sewing has kept me happy and out of trouble. 


I am going to have a recovery day to rest my hip and knee. I've been using them a lot lately with shovelling snow. I will finish projects in the sewing room. I will do my exercises 2-3 times. I am going out for lunch with my friend. I will knit tonight. Hopefully my hip and knee will be rested enough so I can continue cleaning house tomorrow. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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