Friday, March 03, 2023

Another Storm

Yesterday was a cloudy day and it started to snow late in the afternoon. The high got to -0.1C which was quite nice. This morning it is -5C with a windchill of -11C as the north wind is blowing. It is snowing and we've had a minimum 7.25" of snow fall. It is suppose to be 0C and windy today. The snow is to stop this late this morning which will be nice. 


My first job yesterday morning was to shovel snow off the deck and stairs. There was about 9" to get rid of. It was shovel, lift, and toss over the railing. Very tiring but I got it done. I did the stairs with the shovel then crawled up them and finished cleaning them with my hands. I shovelled the cement pads at the bottom of the stairs so they were clean. I was tired when done. The deck is 10 x 20' which is large for here. It wasn't the size, it was the lifting and tossing the snow that was the hardest. The snow has now drifted up 18" on the deck so it will get done after the driveway is cleared. 

After a rest, I cleaned the living area up. I swept the floor but didn't wash them. I will do the floors when this snow storm is done. I have to trek through the house to clean the deck and my boots are wet and leave marks on the floors. 

Daughter-in-law and grandson came over in the evening and shovelled the first inch off the driveway. They scared me as they can get into the garage with their own key. They plus son had shovelled their driveway and they decided to do mine. That is an inch less to shovel today. 

The county plowed our area last night at around 10:30 which is quite early for us during a fierce storm like this. There is a car parked on the side of the road across the street from me and it had about a foot of snow rolled up by it. The county did the road again this morning at 6:45 and the roll is now up to the bottom of the windows on the car. Driveways have up to 2 feet of snow rolled into them. I have a less than anticipated. It seems as if the snow went to the corner rather than in my driveway. But, I still have a lot to get rid of. 

It was noisy about 11:30 pm and when I looked out I was anticipating someone in the ditch as they were going too fast. But it was a snowmobiler going up and down the roads as fast as he could and enjoying himself. 


I did sew yesterday and worked on some more techniques. The iron was turned up to linen and it got the Deco-Bond on easier. You just need patience to let the iron do its job. Once done, I stitched and top stitched and I had a bag when I called it a day. 

The lining and another piece of fabric needs to be laundered so I can do the lining. The lining will be interfaced to give it some body. 

The second bag is planned fabric wise. The design is starting to form in my head. 

I have a very limited amount of the light teal fabric to work with so am going to have to work carefully on the design. 

The third bag is planned also as I have all of it but the lining (??) in the stash. I may have to buy more Deco-Bond for it and the other 2 bags. The last two bags will need fabric bought for them. 


I finished the test pattern last night and hope to get it on a doll for modelling today or tomorrow. This sweater can be worn two ways. With the buttons down the back, it can be worn with leggings or pants. 

With the buttons in the front, it can be worn over a dress or with leggings. 

I am not sure what I will knit next as this knit up faster than I had expected. I'm thinking a hat for the sweater and then move on to something people size. 


    I am tired of the storms coming in late winter. This is not unusual as there was a lot of snow on the ground (record breaking) for late February/early March in 2015. I am just going to have to suck it up and do what I need to do.

    My knee and hip have been relatively pain free. The weather does make it twinge but if I keep them stretched, the pain is minimal. Both legs are getting stronger as I shovel snow. What is tiring is walking as I am very careful outside. I do not want to fall and hurt myself. My stance is awkward as I am penguin walking. 

    I am glad I bought a lot of sewing things on Tuesday as I can sew without having to go out for a few more days. I have enough food until I shop on Monday. Once the driveways are cleared, I can even walk down to my neighbour's for a cup of tea. I will be using my cane for safety reasons. 


My first big job is to shovel snow. I will stay with it until I'm done with or without help. I will rest and I may sew and knit if I have the energy. If not, I will look at patterns for Elliott's quilt and I may even have a nap. It all depends on my energy levels. 

Until the next time.....................................................

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