Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Thinking Many Thoughts

 The past two days has been hot. Yesterday was 30.5C with a humidex of 37C (new record high). Sunday was similar though it cooled off a bit when it rained in the afternoon. We've had rain overnight (1/4") and it is 21C with a humidex of 28C this morning. It will remain about 21C all day with rain showers. The humidex will be about the same also. Yuck!


The challenging behaviors are continuing daily. The little cucumber plants are gone and he showed no remorse when I said they were mine. He just said they were no good. He hasn't touched the rest of the garden as it is starting to produce and he can see the vegetables growing on the plants. 

We continue to alternate between trying to find out what is frustrating him and changing the focus to something that makes him forget about his frustrations for several hours. The Calgary Stampede has been a good distraction most of the time. We watched an episode of Finding Your Roots on Sunday and that put him in a really good mood. Yesterday I struggled for a diversion and finally mentioned how well a girl from BC was doing at the National High School Finals. That worked but it was almost 8 p.m. when I found the information on Facebook and got more info from daughter. 

Though I was exhausted from the challenging behaviors, heat, and not sleeping well, I went to Bedford to shop. In the end, I have 2 items to return as they are the wrong ones. Before I left, I did get the bed changed and some sweeping done in preparation for the cleaners today. Dinner was ice cream as he wouldn't eat what I prepared. And I cried when I saw him staggering from exhaustion as he refused to nap in the afternoon. I really noticed it when he had to go out to check that I had watered the garden to his standards. 

When he tells us his frustrations they are 3 topics - pain in his arm, no one listening to him, and being told he can't do things outside. 

On Sunday daughter-in-law came to visit the Spousal Unit and while she was outside with him, I cleaned the top and sides of the stove. As I was doing it, I realized I'd love to have a good stretch of time to thoroughly clean the house. Cleaning brings calm for me. I think it is because I can see the results of the work when I finish each room. I also realized how little extra cleaning I've got done in the past 2 weeks. I do appreciate having the cleaners come in and do the basics for me.

I did a lot of thinking driving to and from Bedford yesterday. On the way in it was about the future. I have many questions that I need to mull over in the next while. On the way home it was about getting ready to talk to the challenging behavior consultant whom called while I was in the middle of Walmart. I'm trying to connect with her over the next couple of days. 


I've been thinking about the next doll's outfit.

I have the top lining, the capri cuffs, and the shoe lining pinned onto the yellow fabric. I have folded one fat quarter of the blue for the capris and the second fat quarter will be the top and shoes outer fabric. Once pinned and cut, I will set it aside to sew on a bit later. The t-shirt and leggings will be done also.

The quilt fabric is all pressed and waiting to be cut. As it is on the table I'm happy with the fabric choices now that I have the inner border fabric. 

I have realized when looking at the picture of the finished quilt, that the two longest pieces of the dark dotted fabric will have to be on the first and last row so they are closest to the dark inner border. I am trying to have the darkest fabric be less dominate in the quilt. I hope to start cutting tomorrow.

I went to look at the fat quarters in Walmart. The ones I want weren't there so I passed on by quickly to finish up my shopping. When I get closer to the next outfit, I will look once again. Maybe at the quilt shops. 

The soles in and insoles arrived yesterday and I'm thrilled to have them. They are perfect which I'd never accomplish with scissors. 

I heard back from the company about the Thread Director 2. They told me to keep the one they sent me and have shipped me the right one. I will get one more spool of the gold/silver variegated thread and maybe 2 of a different color. I want to play when things settle down. 


The cleaners come this morning and we are to the doctor's after lunch. We have to get Elliott some food and hopefully we can have a nap after we get home. I am hoping to connect with the challenging behavior specialist and if not I will leave her a message of when I'm available tomorrow during respite time. 

Until the next time.................................................................

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