Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Doctor's Visit

 Yesterday was a warm and muggy day. The high got to 26.7C with a humidex of 35C. Even the wind was warm. This morning it is sunny and 19C. We are to see it get to 27C before we see it turn hot for the next few days. 


Yesterday morning was rough. The Spousal Unit thinks the cucumber plants, once again, are not right. He wanted to go to a place to ask about them and look at their plants. When I told him the garden centers were closed, he threw a fit. When he asked again, he threw his anxiety ball twice and stormed out of the house. I got him in the car to get cat food and he settled a bit. I got him to focus on going to see the doctor.

After lunch, we went to the doctor's office. Daughter-in-law met us there. I saw the doctor alone and I'm burnt out. The doctor suggested one more 3 hour session of respite a week to see if that helps. That time is to be spent sewing, sleeping, or visiting only. We also talked about the Spousal Unit's schedule, medication, and how Covid has impacted services like adult day programs. We then joined the Spousal Unit and daughter-in-law. We let the Spousal Unit talk to the doctor with me signaling correct or wrong. We got him a bit stressed out so the doctor could see that. In the end, he is taking one more dose of the medication he is on plus a anti-depressant to see if will help with his moods. 

Once home, I called for the extra respite time. I heard back very quickly and the request has been put in. The Spousal Unit has been accepted onto the waiting lists for the three homes I chose. I also called the specialist to get an approximate date for requested appointment. The doctor was lovely and we chatted a bit. She has moved him up on the list and we should be seeing her in 4-6 weeks rather than the end of October. 

After the visit to the doctor's office, the Spousal Unit calmed down. He was actually sad that he had to bring up stuff about me and my dad which I didn't hear. He fell asleep at 7:30 p.m. but was restless during the night. The visit to the doctor's was almost too much for him. 


I didn't get into the sewing room yesterday but I did do some looking at YouTube videos on doll shoes. I watched the video that goes with the shoe pattern I bought. I then saw a video on making leather Mary Janes. I now know why they are so expensive to buy. What a lot of work goes into making a pair of those shoes. Then came up another video for bow knotted sandals. I got up the web page for them. Please note, this took me all day to look at these videos.

Happy Bankky Crafty Mom has quite a few free patterns on her website which one of the doll ladies has recommended. I've looked at her patterns earlier on and they are nice. It was the shoes that grabbed my attention and I'm hoping to make a pair of them if the soles of the pattern are close to the ones I bought. The pattern is downloaded ready to print.

I'm feeling quite unsettled in my sewing. I'm jumping all over the board with ideas which isn't me. I'm burnt out, between projects, and have only spurts of time to sew. I have lots of ideas but no time to execute them. I need both sewing and house cleaning to relax me and I'm not getting much time for either one. 


I haven't looked at my knitting for so long it's pathetic. I'm too tired at night to knit and have not time during the day. I am missing my knitting time as it relaxes me before I go to bed.


This morning I want to fold laundry and prep for making meatloaf for dinner tonight. Respite comes at noon and I'm heading to the sewing room. I have a call coming in from continuing care and I hope that the challenging behaviors specialist will also call. I will start to cut out the quilt. I need to water the garden and make sure the Spousal Unit is safe. He is tired today which means he could either sleep or start to pace. I have a small reserve of energy as I was woke up from a deep sleep this morning. Oh well, the life of a primary care giver.

Until the next time...............................................................

1 comment:

  1. If you lavish the same talent and care on the shoes as you do on the garments, I'm sure they will be lovely. Also, I think you contribute a lot, through you honest recount of the challenges you address, to the understanding of living with a person who has dementia.
