Saturday, July 09, 2022

Going Off Line

 I am going off line for the unforeseeable future. We are both okay and just need time to ourselves.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I wish you and your family well. Since I have found your blog I have admired your care of and commitment to your husband, as well as your sewing skills.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I wish you some peace during this time of turmoil in your lives.

  3. I have such respect and admiration for the way you live your life in this challenging time and appreciate your writing about it. May God be with you, guide and comfort you.

  4. I shall miss you, I loved to see what you have made. Although saddened by the decline in your husband's health and the increasing workload and worry for you, I have nothing but admiration for the way you are handling it. Take care of yourselves and best wishes to you both, angela
