Friday, June 25, 2021

Elliott Is Cranky

 Though yesterday was warm, the breeze was cool which made it perfect to be outside. The high got to 24.4C. This morning it was 8C at 6 a.m. and 11C at 7 a.m. 


Yesterday morning I cleaned our bedroom. That included turning the mattress, laundry, wiping and scrubbing. It was nice and clean last night at bedtime. With the windows open during the night, it was a perfect spot for a good night's sleep. 

I cooked chicken on the bbq last night. It actually turned out better than I thought. The only thing I didn't do was spray oil on the grates. Lesson learned. The last 10 minutes of cooking was indirect heat and the last 4 minutes I put bbq sauce on for a nice finish. 

Elliott has been showing us different ways of sleeping. He isn't sleeping as well as he could be during the day and is trying his best to find a comfortable place to sleep. 

We are dealing with a cranky cat at the moment. 

There were 5 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. The total number of cases is dropping some every day. 


I starched the remaining shirt fabric and left it to dry. It dries slowly in a cool basement. I use a liquid starch which takes longer to dry. No other sewing was done though a few projects were thought about for July. I need to buy a bit of fabric for one of them.


I worked on the sweater and am now doing the collar. It should be done tonight or tomorrow. 

While sitting in the sewing room and thinking, I frogged a blue sweater I had knit. I did not like how it looked and I wanted to use the yarn again for another project. 


I'm off this morning to shop for groceries and hope to be home before noon. I'd like to get the sleeve pieces pinned onto the fabric and, with lots of luck, get them cut out. Tonight is knitting. 

Until the next time.................................................

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