Monday, May 17, 2021

Inside, Outside and Almost Upside Down

 Yesterday was warm at 20.4C. It was mainly sunny and gorgeous outside. Today is a repeat of yesterday with 21C and maybe a few claps of thunder. 


It was the annual clean up the shed day. They day when you can't find something like a sprinkler. I opened the big door on the shed and started to take things outside after I had found the sprinkler. I moved items, swept the floor, put things into the wheel barrow for recycling on Thursday and I organized until I was tired. The end result was such that we could get the lawnmower and wheelbarrow into the shed with room to spare. 

Do you see full lawn and leaf bags in there? They will be at curbside on Thursday morning. The bags of bottles go to the hockey kids when they do their annual bottle drive (hopefully) next year.

We are good for another year when I repeat the process. 

Right after lunch we did dandelion duty. I tried vinegar on some dandelions and will have to check on them today. The Spousal Unit's dandelions are dying. There are enough dandelions all around us that we can have a weed free lawn but we have to work hard at it. 

There were 114 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. Up but it was to be expected as it seems as if this is the norm in Wave 3. Up and down when you peak. 


I got some time in the sewing room and decided to work on a bodice for the Gotz dolls. This one has puffy sleeves and was a pattern I downloaded when it came out to test and has since been published. It isn't for these dolls but it is working.

Round 1 was to cut and sew the bodice as is. It was a bit big in the body but it fit in the neckline and arms. Round 2 was to cut 1/4" off the center back and stitch a line 5/8" in for the center back. 

I then sewed the side seams at 3/8" and I think it is a bit tight for a gathered skirt.

You can see how the back is lower than the front. These dolls have a child's tummy and I need to account for that. 

I hunted and found a bodice pattern from a dear friend (not published) and you can see how much I have to add to the front. 

In all, I'm very happy with what I did on this pattern for the Gotz dolls. I'm back where I want to be - getting a bodice pattern I like for the dolls. There are very few patterns for these dolls. I won't be publishing the pattern, it is for my own use only. 

A new designer on Etsy. 


I went to do row 16 and when I counted my stitches, I had an extra one. I took out 6 rows and am now ready to start on row 16 again. 

I spent a bit of time looking at the knitting patterns I have for Gotz dolls. I have 8 of them that I want to knit. They will be done between test patterns. I also want to knit some of my other patterns for the AG dolls. My list will be a mile long. 


The Spousal Unit needs to go to the hospital for blood work this morning. Once home, I will do some housework before sewing in the afternoon and knitting tonight. We are staying close to home these days. 

Until the next time............................................

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