Friday, May 21, 2021

Almost Done With Pattern Hacking

 Yesterday was a nicer day with a high of 18.9C. It was nicer than the day before. Today is to be warmer and quite sunny.


We are slowly getting over being tired and grumpy. I had to deal with things like our compost bin not being emptied. Hoses wanted to leak and that has been fixed. I hope today has less issues than we've had for the past 2 days. 

We had our phone call appointment with our doctor and I have blood work in August. The Spousal Unit is short on calcium and the doctor told him to eat more cheese. I'll see that he gets calcium pills daily and will let him eat cheese. 

There were 65 new cases of the virus reported yesterday and well over 100 recoveries. Here is hoping that the restrictions along with people complying we are coming out of the third wave. Vaccinations age was dropped to 25-29 year olds and there is hope that everyone from 12 and up will be opened next week. 


I did get some time sewing on the dress. It is almost finished. I basted the lining in place so I can hand sew it and put on the snaps today. 

I am pleased with how the merging of 2 patterns looks and fits the Gotz dolls. 

The fit is good which is so important to me. 

The side seam is straight and not curving to the front of the body. 

I am not sure why there are creases in the back and will look at that today. It could be how the arms are posed on the doll. 

The purple dress was made from my friend's pattern and the stripe from my merging of patterns. I think it wasn't too bad a job in the end. I'm going to look at it carefully today to see if I need to do any more tweaking to the pattern. 


I knit like a mad woman on the test pattern and am two rows short of where I was when I had to rip out the many rows of knitting I had done. I will start on the back tonight. 


We have to go into town to pick up lab papers, get prescriptions and we may head out for a short drive. I do want to weed for an hour this morning and would like to finish the dress today. It is the one item that may not get done. Knitting tonight. 

Until the next time.............................................

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