Sunday, May 09, 2021

A Cold and Windy Day

Yesterday was a cold, windy, and wet day. The high got to 4.4C and an inch of rain fell. The forecast said snow but, thankfully, it did not happen. This morning it was 4C at 6 a.m. and the wind is still blowing. It is suppose to be warmer today with a high of 13C. 


It was clean the kitchen day yesterday. I got it done and am pleased with the results. It feels good doing these jobs each day while we have no where to go. It keeps me busy. 

The Spousal Unit worked on the puzzle yesterday and got a few pieces in. He was outside some but not a lot to walk around. The rain and wind were just too cold to be outside for long. 

I lost 2.2 lbs this week and am slowly getting to my first big goal. I am suppose to get myself something when I reach that goal and I'm thinking new running shoes. I may have to order them online and get them delivered to the house. 

There were 163 new cases and 1 death reported yesterday. The number of cases was down by 64 but I'm assuming they will bounce up and down over the next while. It was sad to hear of another death. 


I cut out another top from another pair of girl's leggings. I worked on it taking my time with the neckline. I'm happy with my progress. 

There is enough fabric left to make a pair of leggings. 

Once the t-shirt and 2 pairs of leggings are done, I'm going to focus on practicing free motion quilting. I want to get the wiggles mastered so I can do some on the table runner or lap quilt. I need to feel like I've accomplished something. 


I finished the sleeve of the Daisy stitch sweater. Now I need to sew it together and do the front bands. I'm going to be close on yarn. 

At this point I'm not sure what I am going to knit next. We wait and see what I get a yearning to knit. 


I plan on doing budget and folding the laundry. Sewing and knitting are on the agenda. Our lovely daughter-in-law delivered dinner for tonight as we can't celebrate Mother's Day together. 

Until the next time.......................................


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