Friday, November 01, 2019

Halloween 2019

Yesterday delivered on rain. It poured in the morning and then it cleared up until 8:30 p.m. last night. The temperature rose all day to 17C by 8:30 p.m. and it is 19C this morning. The wind is blowing so we are getting some sort of tropical ??


We had to clear everything off the lawn as it was being aerated. The guy came shortly after lunch, did a great job, and left for New Brunswick (3 hour drive) so he could celebrate Halloween at home. 
We both finished the decorations for Halloween. The garage we do so people can take pictures of their children. 
And the front door area is just cute. 
One of the fellows on our street brings home pylons and we block the street from cars. Thank goodness as there are swarms of children and adults on it for over 2 hours. Then it calms down some. We had almost 285 children at our door. Well 284 and a goat. 
With the weather so mild, we kept our front door opened. Elliott watched all the children come and go. One little girl saw him and started to sing Kitty, Kitty. Elliott came down the stairs to meet her. Surprising as he is not a children's cat. 
We were both tired when it was over. And today we have to pack it all up ready for next year. We need to look at lights for the driveway as we have the longest and darkest on the block. 


I drove into Sackville to get weighed and have lost 4 lbs. I was happy with that. I stayed for the meeting and the leader for super prepared. I can say she motivated me. 


I got the flannel for grandson's pajama bottoms yesterday. It was on a good sale. I also got a piece of interfacing and elastic. I should be good for another month. 


I had to unknit 4 rows of the scarf as I had a yarn over hole. I got that repaired, stitches counted, and knit some more. 


It is clean up and laundry day. I may get to the sewing room if I'm lucky. Otherwise it will only be knitting. 
Until the next time......................................

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