Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Adding to the Over Whelmingness of the Sewing Room

After frost, sunshine, and a warm afternoon, we have wind, rain, and warm temperatures. It is wet out there and it can stay out there. We won't complain as we will have frost and the minus temperatures for the next couple of mornings.


Yesterday was time for myself as the Spousal Unit went to Halifax with Son and Daughter-in-law to watch Grandson's team play soccer. I was out or I would have gone with them. 
I did some reading in a book I borrowed from the library called Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana White. I know I am a slob and went through the deslobification process when we moved here (yes it took a move to finish the process). But it was an incomplete process so I'm reading the book. I had a few aha moments when reading it. Some terms that struck a chord with me are
Procasticlutter - not a real word but I certainly have it. Items to go to recycling or the garbage lying on the table and counter. The full container of receipts that needs to be entered into the budget and put away. Yes, all of last month and half of this month. 
Clutter Threshold - the threshold where you become stressed with the stuff in your house. Mine is low; it always has been low. When I keep the upstairs of this house tidy, I love what I see. It is minimal and I love it. I keep going downstairs and love the family room with its minimal amount of the clutter. I enter the sewing room and BAM, I have stepped over my clutter threshold and feel stressed to the nines. My mind jumps around, I get overwhelmed, and finally exhausted. I become nonproductive. 
Container Concept - this term hit me between the eyes. When organizing, I tried to keep it all and organize it so I could

  • find everything
  • have it look tidy
It didn't work as I had too much in our house. Less is best for me. What I need to look at is our house is a container and inside that container is more containers. All our containers need to have items that belong together in/on them. What can't fit and is not the most loved, needs to go. We need to live in that container meaning we need room to move about. I'm getting there until I enter the sewing room. Then its gone. It isn't full but it has too much in it. I'll explain more when I go through the process of reloading my sewing room. 
Overwhelmed - a familiar word for me. I still feel overwhelmed when I look at items. The blankets on the guest room floor. They are needed (spring killer frost) but they should be in a storage tub in the second closet of our master bedroom. I need to deal with it. Now, not down the road. 
I will keep reading the book and dealing with the house. I have put a library hold on the second book to deal with organization. I need that as I'm terrible at organizing things. Maybe it is because I still have too much. 


Yesterday I was out to buy Daughter her Christmas gift - fabric to make another shirt for herself. It gets shipped today. After 2 hours, I was tired but we got the combination. 
I have to say it is beautiful. And I have to make her piping from the bottom fabric. Of course I had to buy the other combination I picked because I loved it so much. 
I'm adding to the stash as the sewing room is overwhelming me. And I did add the bottom two of these fabrics. 
For the dolls. Yes, I'm overwhelmed. Every time I look at the sewing room stuff stored in the family room, I'm overwhelmed. Not because I don't have a room to put it into but because there is too much. I'm over the clutter threshold. It is organized hoarding in my mind. I see it, feel overwhelmed, and then become anxious. Guilt is also present. I moved it across Canada so I had better sew it up guilt. Then I add to it as I find something else I love or I want to start a niche market item. It goes on and on and on. My over active mind is giving me grief as is my lack of organization. Hence why I add to it. It is a circular thing for me. 
I spent an hour in the family room recutting out a pattern that I had done in the wrong color. I cut out the red when it should have been the black. I have the skirt cut out now and ready to sew. I need to wipe off the sewing cabinet and set up the machines. I can do it as I can't paint until tomorrow. Too dull to paint today. And, I need to dig out all of the elastic and put it into the elastic tub. Have it all in one container rather than two or three. 


I didn't pick up the needles last night so no progress has been made. I am going to start the second hat for Daughter as I need it finished by next week. 


I have to finish packing the box to mail and get it going across Canada. Setting up the sewing machine and serger and corralling the elastic is also the order of the day. Oh, and do the budget. It's screaming at me and I need to tackle it. 
Until the next time...............................

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