Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ready To Hand Sew The Binding

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 23C. This morning it is clear and 10C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 24C (humidex 27C). 


I was out the door early to pay the property taxes and then to take grandson his school blazer. I stayed for about 5 minutes as they were all working (jobs and school) and came home. 

At home I finished cleaning the bathroom. I scrubbed the tub and shower, swept the floor and then mopped it. Though it sounds like very little, the job took me over an hour to do as it was fall cleaning. I don't use the tub but keep it clean. That means crawling in and out of it while cleaning. My hip told me it was tired when the job was done. I had a short rest after the bathroom was done. 

I was over to visit my friend in the late afternoon. I had some playing cards for her grandson. We had a great visit and then I was home for dinner. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room and got the quilting done on the cat quilt. 

The row of quilting down the center of each sashing strip makes the batting stable and adds a bit of interest to the quilt. 

I made the binding and got it sewn on and the first bit is turned under ready to hand stitch in place.

I looked at the left over fabric for a doll's quilt. I had a pattern in mind that is simple to make.

I can cut it out and set it aside until I have a day to make it. 

I am not sure if I have enough batting for it even if I use the batting tape to put two pieces together. I know the backing will have to be pieced but that is okay. One of the dolls will have a quilt. I hope I have enough fabrics left over from other quilts to make more quilts for the dolls. 

I have decided that when I buy fabric I have to sew that much or more from the stash. This is starting in September. That had me look at the Christmas fabrics. 

I have a lot of bags I can make to use or sell. I will start by cutting out several bags so I can sew them when I need a rest from big projects. I can also grab some other fabrics set aside for piping and cut them into bias strips ready to make up when I need something easy to make. It will be a case of grabbing fabric, measure, cut, and sew. I will need to remember to put the amount I use into my spreadsheet so I can keep track to see if I can buy fabric. I need a challenge right now and this is going to be it. 

The exception to the rule will be that I can buy interfacing, ribbon, and other small notions needed for a project. 


None done last night as I need to get yarn wound to make socks. 


    My hip was sore and stiff yesterday from going up and down the ladder when painting. It is still a bit sore today but I am going to try and do one wall -- cut in and roll paint onthe wall. It may be all my hip will be able to handle. If it continues to hurt, I will clean the walls, patch and hire someone to paint them. It is an option I will keep open.

    I am excited to get back to sewing up the stash. I have deviated from it as I was loosing interest in the projects I was working on for so long. The Scandinavian Winter quilt was started in April and the cat quilt in June. At the moment I am forcing myself to get both of them finished so I can work on new projects. I am going to cut out several easy projects that I can work on for the next few months. These will include gift/wine bags, piping, and mug rugs. I may even make a few doll quilts with the left over scraps. My big project will be another quilt. 

    I need to get back to paper crafts again. I want to set aside time to work on them. It is something else that will keep me busy this winter with hopes that I can sell at a bazaar next fall. I don't have enough inventory to do it this year. I will start out by looking at videos for more ideas as I work through some of the projects I have in mind. 


The goal is to paint one wall (dining area) and see if my hip will let me cut in the other two walls. If there is enough time, I want to start pulling the beans from the garden box and pick the peppers. This afternoon, I want to hand sew the binding down and cut out the doll's quilt and bag it. I also need to wind wool so I can knit tonight.

Until the next time..................................................

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