Saturday, August 10, 2024

Back Home

 Yesterday was a very long day. We had showers in Copenhagen during the day. We got to Iceland and it was cool (delightful) with a mix of sun and clouds. We got into Halifax to rain and 18C. This morning it is cloudy and 24C (humidex 33C). Today is to be wet with a high of 24C (humidex 34C). 


It was a hectic day at airports yesterday. We went to get baggage tags and printed boarding slips. got the baggage tags but no boarding slips. Put the baggage tags on our check-in luggage and went over to put it on the conveyor belt to go to our baggage area for the plane. Grandson's went through with no issues. When daughter-in-law put hers on it wouldn't work. The attendant said it was overweight by 3kg. We took out some items and then shoved them back in to pay for the extra weight. Put it on the belt, scanned it, and off it went. We figured we had pushed 3kg of air out of her bag (lol). We put mine on and all was well. Off we went to the security so we could go to the lounge. That went well as none of our items were random checked. 

We headed to the lounge which was about .75 km. The lounge was quite full but we found some comfortable chairs and snacked and got fluids into us. We then left the lounge and walked about .6 km to our boarding gate. We sat there and waited for the plane. Being on first class helped us board first. It was nice as the plane was full. The trip to Iceland was uneventful though I had a lovely lady who was born in Iceland beside me. She told me where we were when landing. I did not realize that Reykjavik was a 45 minute drive from the airport. 

We got off the plane right into the airport. We knew we had to go through passport control but didn't realize we needed to do that after we went to the lounge. So we circled around inside the airport, went through passport control again to get into the lounge. We had snacks and rested as we were feeling tired and stressed. 

The currant jelly was delicious as were the mini pizza and meatballs. There were bbq wings that grandson said were delicious also. 

We left the lounge early as we didn't want to be late to board. We went to passport control to get back to where we needed to be. It was dead quiet and we whizzed through. I now have 4 stamps in my passport, all from passport control in Iceland. We went and found our gate and walked down it. No one was there so we went back up to sit and rest for a bit. At that point we saw duty free and decided to browse. I bought Iceland salt flakes and lava salt. I wish I had bought two of each so will order them from Amazon. We looked at the yarn and it is a yarn that is rough to the touch. I didn't buy any as it isn't the yarn I knit with. Even their woollen sweaters and blankets weren't soft. I am sure they are warm. 

At our gate, we had to wait in line for a bit as two different parties didn't have all the information they needed to enter Canada. After a wait, they were put to one side so we could get our passports checked and get in line to go through the gate. Once in line we stood and waited. Grandson asked where business class was to stand and we were ushered down to the gate along with a few others who had children or needed assistance. We got on the bus first. As the flight was fairly full, we loaded on to the plane through two doors. We got on and settled in. We were tired but had to push through. 

The flight to Halifax was uneventful. It was a struggle to stay awake as we had been up for 18+ hours. We landed at Halifax early, went through security. We did CanArrive to make the process quicker. Picked up our luggage, handed in our slip to get out of the airport. Found son and headed home. 

Elliott was excited to see me. He talked to me a lot, purred non stop, and cuddled. He was somewhat annoying when I went to bed as he wanted me to rub him and I wanted to sleep. I did get about 8.5 hours of sleep and will be ready for bed early tonight. 

I enjoyed my trip to Sweden and learned a lot about soccer, the towns we visited, and their culture. Halmstad is a smaller city which makes it quieter when walking around it. There are places to sit at the city center square and along the Nissan River. They speak both Swedish and English. People walk, use scooters, bikes, and drive in the city. The bus transportation is great. You can get a one way ticket or a 24 hour ticket. We used both. 

Copenhagen is a large city and quite busy. They speak Danish and English. It is more of a tourist place due to it having a large international airport. Copenhagen Central is easy to get to by train. Most people in that region walk or ride a bike. There are many stores that have souvenirs and are in small shops around the center square. 


I am in survival mode today. I need to get some groceries, unpack, and rest so I can be back in my groove by Monday. What happens, happens and what doesn't will happen when I have recovered from the trip. I am happy that I went and know that it will take me an extra day or two to be back to my normal self. 

Until the next time..............................................................


  1. Carol in Denver1:33 PM

    Wow! What an adventure; it sounds very confusing. Glad you made it home safe and sound with loved ones with you.

  2. Sounds like a great trip!
