Monday, August 19, 2024

Not Falling Into A Decorating Trap

Yesterday was mainly cloudy with a high of 25.9C. This morning it is, once again, foggy, and 18C. Today is suppose to have showers with a high of 23C (humidex 30C). 


Yesterday morning I was busy cleaning the dining room. I tidied up and ended decluttering. Most of it was paper that I could toss into recycling. It was mainly items I had put away and no longer needed. It felt good getting rid of it as there was nothing of sentimental value involved. Once the decluttering was done, I wiped the table, cleaned the chairs, and dusted everything. The floors were swept and mopped. 

I also did 2 loads of laundry while cleaning the dining room and it is ready to fold today. With all the work done, I did the balance sheet. July was completed and the first half of August done. I was done just after 12 noon and happy to have my to do list done.  

Late in the afternoon, I started to take out recycling to the garage. I did it while I prepared for dinner. I also emptied the dishwasher, cleaned up the counters and washed a bunch of dishes. I certainly did a lot of extras I hadn't expected to do but it felt good to get it done. On top of it all, my hip wasn't really sore or tired while I was doing these jobs. A bonus for me. 


I spent just over 2.5 hours in the sewing room working on the bag fronts. I cut out the flexi foam and pinned the fronts on. I sewed around the edges to hold the pieces together. Once done, I drew lines 2" apart so I could quilt them. I started at the white strip and drew the lines outwards on the fabric next to them. I stitched in the ditch and quilted down the middle of the white strip. 

It is hard to see the quilting lines as the thread matches the fabric so well. This close up shows the quilting lines.

I enjoyed using the flex foam. It stitches nicely and I didn't have to adjust the stitch length. 

I think I will be using this when I make future bags. It is easy to use and the bags will stand up on their own for a long time.


I finished the socks last night and they are ready to be put into daughter-in-law's birthday bag. 

The yarn was a delight to knit; soft and springy. I also love how they have a work sock vibe to them. 

I fold up all my socks the tie them with a piece of the yarn. One of my little signature things I like to do.


    My thoughts yesterday were one of moving forward. I know I want to stay in my house for as long as possible. Being independent keeps me alert. As I was cleaning up, I kept thinking about what I want to do while I am living here. I am more ready to do some changes nows. I will be moving forward to having the upstairs painted and some renovations done that I have put off. 

    I am also ready to balance what I like and what I want to have that belonged to the Spousal Unit and I. I have kept items that brought us both joy and need to incorporate them into my vision for this house. It will be a balancing act as I am ready to move away from the lodge/western look we had to having something that is more of a modern country look. I know my colours will be grey and then changeable with the seasons. 

    While thinking yesterday, I fell into the trap of decorating for all seasons. This is happening as I am watching home decor videos. People are starting to decorate for fall. As I watched, my first reaction was to start a fall collection. Placemats, table runners, blankets, cushions, trinkets in a fall theme. What would that theme look like? What colours would I use? How would I store it? What would I do with it when I left this house and downsized? A lot of questions to be answered. 

    I have decided that I will be making a list of what I could use in the house that will give me a fall vibe. I know that I want neutral blankets so that I can use them all year. What can I have for a cushion cover or two? What little items can I have to decorate with? I know it won't be leaves, pumpkins, sunflowers, etc. I do know it will all have to fit into a medium size tote so I can store it in the off season. I know that I will probably have a couple of more totes that will hold other seasonal items that I can put out in the house. I am keeping it minimal as that is how I want my house to be. I am ready to look and do a brain dump on this project. 


I have to be out to the bank and to pay my water bill. While home, I want to focus on cleaning the kitchen; floors today. I want to sew on the bags this afternoon and start a new knitting project tonight. Another busy day for me. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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