Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dog Bags Completed

 Yesterday was sunny and cooler until the afternoon when the humidity went up. The high got to 22.1C (humidex 27C). This morning it is clear and 14C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 24C (humidex 28C). 


I spent the morning in the kitchen making freezer meals. First up I made spaghetti sauce using a combination of hamburger and sausage meat. I added onions, mushrooms, celery, garlic, marinara sauce, rotel tomatoes, and pasta sauce. I brought it to the boil and put it on the warming part of the stove (high) for many hours to let it cook and the flavours mingle. I seasoned it with salt and pepper at noon. Mid afternoon I heated it up and put it into containers to freeze. I had a bowl with pasta for dinner and I enjoyed it very much. There is a bowl in the fridge to make lasagna today.

The second casserole I made was the Chinese fried rice which I am going to call a chicken and rice casserole. I made it according to the directions in the largest casserole I own. 

I put it into the oven as directed and after 50 minutes checked it. I covered it with the lid and left it another 40 minutes. 

It was delicious but it needed more water. I would also put it into the slow cooker the next time. I got 5 meals for the freezer and lunch for today. 

I had the kitchen clean at noon and then again at dinner. It was a lot of work but worth it in the end. 

I had the windows open most of the day but noticed the house was warming up and checked the temperature. Though not hot, the humidity had rolled in making it warmer. I quickly closed up the house and put on the heat pump to cool off the house. I also had to empty the dehumidifier in the basement which means we had a lot of humidity the past few days. That is twice in the past week. 


I spent a long afternoon in the basement finishing up the bags. The linings were put in, the bags turned out, pressed and top stitched. I then made the buttons and attached them. Finally I sewed the buttons on and gave the bags a good pressing. 

I am happy with the bags and they will be packed up and shipped across Canada. 

I was tired when I got but happy when I got them done. They were a lot of work but I know someone plus daughter will enjoy them immensely. 

Next up will be piping and a gift bag. All to be shipped to daughter on Monday. 


I knit on the sweater last night and am ready to divide it to knit on the body. 


    I enjoyed my time in the kitchen yesterday. I had to keep moving as I was making 2 different dishes. I realized that I enjoy making freezer meals and will be doing more next week. I think doing two more meals (chicken and beef or pork) which will keep me in freezer meals for quite a while. In the mean time, I will cook a turkey breast to slice and freeze into a few meals. 

    I have to start again cleaning up the house. I stopped for a few days and am ready to tackle it once again. With some nice days I want to clean windows. They are dirty once again. Some need a good scrubbing, others need wiping down. I will do them as I clean each room. 

    My IBS has been good for about a month and acted up when I ate blueberries. I ate too many at once which is my fault. I do like blueberries and these were Nova Scotia grown ones. 


I am out to get my hair cut first and then I need to buy cottage cheese for the lasagna. I will make it before lunch. After lunch I want to cut piping and start sewing it. Tonight I want to knit on the doll's sweater. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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