Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Thinking About Fall/Winter Projects

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of about 23C (humidex 29). This morning it is foggy and 13C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 25C (humidex 29). 


I had a good session of physio yesterday morning. I am level and balanced at this time. The muscles are inflamed causing the pain I am having. The therapist did lots of stretching to help with that. After gym exercises I had the TENS machine put on along with heat. I was sore but not so sore I was hobbling. Improvement noted. 

Once home and after I had a cup of coffee, I set about cleaning the hall. The hall turned into cleaning the spare bedroom as Elliott had one good amount of litter on the floor (all clean by the way). When I opened the curtain, I saw one huge spider (about 3/4-1" wide by 1-1.25" long) on the outside of the window. I had to deal with that and proceeded to open the window to spray her. She got hit and moved up to the top of the window. I sprayed her more and knocked her off onto the grass. She was well sprayed so I left her while I cleaned the window on the outside. I then went out and dealt with her. I also sprayed spiders while out there. 

When I got back to the bedroom, I cleaned up the litter, moved everything out to the hall, swept the floor again and mopped it well. I had a talk to Elliott about the mess but he ignored me. Once the floor was dry, I put everything back in the room and proceeded to clean the hall floor. Talk about deviating from the plan. I didn't wash the walls as I was behind schedule. I did replace the light bulb in the kitchen. It went smoothly with only 4 trips up and down the ladder. 

After lunch, I went out to get a bag for daughter-in-law's gift. I bought a big bag, balloons, pump, card and a cake for her. I pumped up the balloons and put them on sticks, put them all into the bag with her gifts, cake, and 2 fresh picked tomatoes. I was off to their house to do delivery. 

I ended up staying for dinner which was delicious. Stuff mushroom caps and shrimp with pasta. And of course, cake. We had some good laughs during dinner and then son, grandson, and I cleaned up the kitchen for daughter-in-law. We left it spotless for her so she could enjoy her evening. 

Once home, I relaxed and went to bed. I was tired from being busy all day. It was a good tiredness though. 


I did not look in the sewing room all day. Not even a peek in there. 

I did look at ideas for this fall. Once the two quilts are done I have two more quilts to work on. One is going to be the Irish Chain and the other is going to be a simple fat quarter quilt called Slice and Dice. I have chosen one simple and one more complicated quilt to make. 

I have looked at two table runners to make. One is Winter Blues of which I will need to buy some fabrics for. This will be for my bedroom and will include the fabrics in the Irish Chain quilt. 

The other one is from one charm pack which I won.

I will have to buy the backing and binding for it. 

My list will include doll clothes and maybe another shirt for me. 


Didn't look at it last night. 


    With a huge decrease in pain and more mobile, I am going to start yoga once again to increase my flexibility. I am also going to watch what I eat as I need to loose weight. The extra 15 lbs I have gained this summer is not good for my hip. I will be ignoring the dietician about not dieting and get this weight off. 

    I have been watching videos on decorating and everyone is putting out their fall decor. I walked through the fall decor at the Dollar Store yesterday and found nothing I liked. I also wondered where I would store it in the off season. I also looked at what I have under the stairs and will be cleaning the front deck and putting it out. That may be all I have for fall decor. I am leaning more towards having blue and white in the house most of the year. That way I don't have to worry about storing items when I don't have the storage space. I will enjoy what others are doing in their homes while I lean towards keeping the minimalist look I love. 


I am heading out to New Minas today to get the light fabric for the Irish Chain quilt, paint, and a few other items I need. Once home, I want to clean the sewing room so I can finish the quilts I've been working on this spring and summer. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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