Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Day To Rest

 Yesterday was warm and muggy with a high of 27.3C (humidex 36C). This morning it is sunny and 19C. Today is suppose to be sunny and 28C (humidex 34C).


I got the backpack un packed onto the table and some of the items put away. I have a mess to deal with as I need to do a bit of sorting and tidying up. The suitcase is on the spare bed and everything is out of it in piles to be dealt with.

One item I thought I had lost was the salt I bought in Iceland. It was on the floor at the top of the stair with my knitting bag. 

I am going to buy several jars of it from Amazon for a Christmas gift for daughter. I will get these two plus one that is birch smoked and one that has thyme in it. 

I was out to get groceries and bought a lot of water to drink. I need to hydrate from our trip (we were constantly dehydrated) and the humid weather we are having. I had a simple lunch and then crashed on the couch to watch TV. 

Later in the afternoon I pushed myself to go outside and look at the garden. I need to start harvesting it. I pulled 2 garlic plants and they look good. I picked a cucumber for dinner tonight. I ate a couple of ripe tomatoes and they need picking as do the peas and beans. Peppers will need picking soon. The garden did grow well even if it was pruned once by the deer while I was gone. 

After dinner, I watched more TV and fell asleep about 6:15 pm and woke at 6:30 pm. I was done and went to bed. I know it was early but I slept until almost 3 am when I went to the bathroom. I woke again at 5 am and dozed until 6 am. I am almost back to local time which is good. I can start to get back into my routine once again. 

I finally opened one of the amenity kits given to us on Icelandic Air. It is a lovely kit which I will use when I travel again. 

Included is socks, dental kit, skincare products (from Sweden), earplugs, eyeshade, and 2 postcards from Sara Riel (a painter in Iceland). The bag is made from Kraft paper and  are eco-friendly and reusable. You get these on to and from North America when traveling as a Saga Premium passenger. 


I want to get things put away and do some laundry this morning. I will go outside some this afternoon and begin harvesting the garlic and tomatoes. I need to be careful as it is going to be hot and humid. Tonight I would like to knit on the socks if I have energy. I am hoping I can stay up later tonight. It is another day where I will do what I can and leave things to do tomorrow if I get tired. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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