Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Busy Day Away From Home

 The weather website has changed its format and it's hard to find information needed. Yesterday was sunny with a high of around 21.4C (humidex 24C). This morning is clear and 16C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 26 (humidex 31C). 


Yesterday was a very busy day outside of the house. I was to New Minas twice and out to see my friend all before dinner. 

I was extremely tired and sore by evening due to tiredness and being on the go for the past few days. I took Tylenol and was in bed early. I slept almost 9 hours before waking up feeling much better this morning. My hip is stiff due to sleeping so long but it will loosen up. 

Daughter-in-law's car now has a/c which is wonderful. We did look at the new electric cars at Kia. The EV9 is boxier than the EV6. They had 5 EV6's and the white one was quite showy. 

We did quite a bit of shopping for the BBQ tonight. I enjoyed being out very much snooping around in the stores. I bought cleaning clothes and a bathing suit (hot tub). What surprised us what the lack of outdoor furniture in one store. Absolutely nothing not even a patio umbrella was to be seen. A few barbecues in boxes was all that was left. Fall and Halloween items are starting to be put out. 

I have the little fridge filled to capacity and some drinks in the big fridge (which is hanging in at 10C). I have texted a person to come and look at the fridge to see what needs to be replaced. 


I did not sew last night but helped daughter with a dress via texting. She was sewing a new pattern with new stresses. It was bulging out at the bust/stomach area. She found the issue -- the center front section was shorter than the side section. She took it apart and pinned it correctly. It is smooth and looks like a nice pattern for rodeo queen dresses. 

The wine bag has been mentally designed and will be made today/tomorrow. The left over fabric will be put away or donated to the quilting group. Once sewn, I will be ready to work on the two quilts and doll's outfit. Getting things done for the auction has been stressful. 


None done last night as I was too tired to think. A recipe for disaster. 


    I am ready to start working on the house and yard once again starting Monday after physio. What was going to be a quiet week turned into a busy one. Things happen and I went with the flow. I have a plan in place and will be working my way through the house and the yard. I am calling it fall cleaning and I am looking forward to doing it. I may even buy some paint and start painting the upstairs. 

    Outside clean up is going to be done in stages. I need to pull weeds and plants. I have to clean out the shed and get it ready to store winter items. I have the hedge to weed once it cools off. I will be busy getting the yard ready for winter. 

    I am going to focus on finishing up projects in sewing. I want them done and gone so I can clean up the sewing room and start planning new projects to use up the stash. I have pushed myself the past week trying to get items done to be mailed out on Monday. Fun to design but stressful when meeting a deadline. 


I have to get a few things to family's house for the BBQ tonight. I want to do a few things here (laundry and litter box for sure) and I may even get started on the wine bag cover. Tonight is at family's so no knitting. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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