Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Nearing The End of The Dog Bags

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 27.7C (humidex 36C). This morning it is foggy and 18C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 24C (humidex 32C).


I went and did grocery shopping so I can cook this morning. It was muggy and hot outside. Once home, I put everything away and crashed. The humidity got to me and I felt tired. I allowed myself to rest and cool off. 

I went out just before dinner to pick tomatoes and the deer ate them and the beans once again. I did pick a few larger tomatoes and some grape ones. After dinner, I went out and picked the peppers and cucumbers. 

I kept what I wanted and took the rest over for family to us. Son said there are enough jalapeños to make his salsa and they will cook with the banana peppers. We talked about a fence for the garden next year. 


I spent the afternoon sewing on the dog bags. I got the second one done and learned a few tricks using flex foam. When bagging the bottom, I had to really work the fabric so it was smooth or pleats would form. I also realized that using clips along the triangle edges worked like a charm. 

With the two bags finished, I started on the linings. 

The linings were a snap to make as I worked only with fabric. I put one inside the bag to see if I needed to make the lining shorter in length. 

There were wrinkles showing up (not bad) so I trimmed 1/4" off the top of the lining. I repeated the process for the 2nd bag and called it a day. 

I am looking at new iron as mine leaked the other day. I have to handle it with care which is annoying. I am looking at this one from Amazon

It isn't a top of the line gravity system but it will do as I am not in the sewing room all day every day. I had thought of a regular iron but I used a system similar to this years ago and loved it. 


I worked on the sweater and got a few more rows done. It is growing in length and I will soon be dividing it up to work only on the body. 


    I emptied the rain gauge yesterday and we had 2.25" of rain fall on Monday night. Not unusual at this time of the year to have a heavy rain fall. We broke no records but I am sure we were close. 

    The humidity hit me hard yesterday. I know that part of it is the humid air comes into the house through the air exchange system as I can feel it in the sewing room. Part of it is having no relief as there has been a humidex reading for the past several days. Tonight is suppose to be cooler and I know the windows will be open all night so I can sleep much better. 

    I found out that grandson's team won 2nd in the provincials on Sunday. They tied at the end of the game and during overtime. It went to a kick out and the other team won. Grandson's team played well and grandson almost got 2 goals. He has shown growth in his confidence since training in Sweden. We wait and see what the future brings for him in the world of soccer. 


I am going to make two freezer meals this morning as I will be out of them tonight. I want to finish the bags this afternoon and knit tonight. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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