Thursday, August 29, 2024

Prepping and Clean

 Yesterday started out sunny and ended up rainy. The high got to 22C (humidex 28C). This morning it is clear and 12C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 20C. 


It was a busy day yesterday. I laundered all the bedding and made my bed late in the afternoon. It was late as I had so many other things on the go. 

I started to clean the bathroom. It is deep clean time. I scrubbed everything I touched and even did inside the vanity. I swept the floor countless times and scrubbed the perimeter on my hands and knees. I have the bathtub and shower left to clean and finish the floor. I am happy with what I got done as it really needed doing. 

When I needed a break from the bathroom, I spackled the holes in the wall I am going to paint. 

I left it to dry and then sanded it later on. I wiped down the walls with a blue shop towel (love them), vacuumed the floor, and taped off the top of the baseboard. I am ready to start cutting in. 

I stopped housework at this point as I knew I had pushed it and my hip was telling me so. I rested my hip for hour which it was grateful for. I also rested it in the evening. 

I did garbage and recycling and put the garbage out to the curb for pick up this morning. I did it before it rained (thank goodness). Recycling goes out next week and I know I will have full bags by then. 


I did sew yesterday. It was fixing the pocket on grandson's school blazer and then attaching a button to the front. I gave it a good pressing and used the lint roller on it. It is ready to take back to him. 

I put the Strawberry Shortcake pattern pieces onto the cutting table. I think I will set up the Diamond and sew the dress on it. I can putter away at it when I need a break from the quilts. 


I picked up the stitches for the first sleeve and finished it last night. 

I should have it finished to the buttons tonight. I still need to buy them. 


    Just when I am able to start painting, the colour grey and white seems to be going out. That disappointed me a lot but I am still going to paint the walls the light grey. My house can be dark as it faces north west. In the winter, it lacks a lot of light due to the short days. In the summer the sun heats up the house hence I have to keep the curtains closed. The colour I have chosen is the same colour as the basement and those rooms are light all year round even when the curtains are closed. 

    On the up side, the grey blue is popular which I am going to be using throughout the house in soft furnishings. I am leaning towards denim blues which has a grey undertone to it. I still need to add another colour to the mix but am not sure what it will be. It could be a pale apricot colour which works well in this house. 

    I was happy that I was able to do so much yesterday and not have one throbbing hip last night. I know that once I get the walls I have chosen done, I will need to rest for a few days before tackling half of the hall. I will need to balance rest and work so I don't overtire the hip joint and muscles. 


I need to finish cleaning the bathroom and start cutting in the paint on the walls. I will stop that at noon. After lunch I want to work on the cat quilt and tonight I want to knit the other sleeve on the doll's sweater. 

Until the next time.............................................

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