Sunday, September 01, 2024

Preparing For September's Projects

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 25.2C (humidex 28). This morning there are clouds and 17C. Today we are to have a mix of sun and clouds with showers and a high of 25C (humidex 30C). 


I got at the painting in decent time and started out with the plan of painting one wall and assessing my hip. The wall was painted and the floor scrubbed. My hip was good. Onto the second wall and still okay so I finished the last wall and did a good clean up. 

I did take my little paint pot and roller downstairs and painted the area in the sewing room that was repaired last year.

When done, my hip was tired and sore but not as bad as I had expected. I need to do the second coat on all the walls today. Then it will be a couple of days before I start on the hall walls. 


I was down to the sewing room to cut out small projects for September. I went through the fabric daughter sent me for piping and picked out three fat quarters which I cut into bias strips for piping.

There are 4-5 more smaller pieces and then there are several pieces of yardage. One piece is almost 2 meters in length. She and I need to have a talk about those pieces. 

Next up was cutting out the doll's quilt. 

The backing wasn't cut as the size wasn't given. The left over fabric from this project will go to the quilter's group for charity quilts. I will be happy to have used up most of the fabric I had bought and tossed into the stash. 

The doll's dress and flower cushion cover were added to the pile. I still have 2 doll's dresses to cut out and will do them a bit later on. I want to cut the sashing for the Scandinavian Winter quilt next as I will be starting it tomorrow. 

Once the cutting was done, I settled down in a comfy chair in the family room and started to hand sew the binding down on the quilt. I got half of it done. 

I had a very productive day and wasn't overly tired. Hand sewing helped me have a decent rest. 


My last job of the day was to wind yarn so I could knit socks. 

The colour way is called Naughty and Nice but the socks have been dubbed the Grinch Socks by daughter. After dinner, I cast on the first sock and knit the 16 rounds in red for the cuff and attached the variegated yarn. I then cast on the second sock and have 5 rounds of the cuff done. 

These socks are going to be happy socks due to the nice yarn and the colours. 


    I was happy that my hip was only tired and that it was muscles that were sore after painting yesterday. It is a sign that I am improving all the time and getting stronger. I can do more than I had ever thought I could when I started treatments last year. I no longer think about having a hip replacement. I just think about what I can do and try to remember that I need to pace myself so I don't get exhausted. 

    I am loving the colour of the walls I painted. It has brightened up that area considerably. I also like that it looks light grey during part of the day and a light greige at other times. It really doesn't look cold and sterile as there is just enough red and black in it to feel warm. Even my friend commented on it yesterday and we both agree that the contractor's colour choice is not the best choice for houses. To us it seems depressing. I also know that I will be buying white paint to do the trim and doors. This house does need freshening up. 

    I was happy to get a few easy projects ready to sew this month as I finish up the Scandinavian Winter quilt. I know I want to start another quilt but am thinking if I want to do a simple quilt or the Irish Chain quilt. I may do the simple quilt as the fabric is ready to go and it will fit in with my easy projects for September. 


I am going to paint the walls and do a good clean up of that area this morning. This afternoon I want to cut out the sashing for the quilt and finish sewing the binding down on the cat quilt. Tonight I will knit on the socks. It is a stay at home day for me once again. But I am happy to be busy at home.

Until the next time...........................................................

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