Friday, August 30, 2024

Nearing the End Of The Cat Quilt

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 20C. This morning it is clear and 7C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 22C. The high temperatures are about the same as last year but with less humidity and the nights are cooler. We had about 3" of rain fall at the end of August 2023. 


I got to work on the painting and spent the morning cutting in the area I prepped. I got better as time went on, but I am not happy with a bit of it. Hopefully I can fix it today. 

It has brightened up the area just doing this. The area in the dining room is also done. Once done to this point, I cleaned up and washed the floor. My hip wasn't too tired considering I was up and down the ladder a lot. It took me longer than anticipated. I will do a second coat before I roll the paint on those walls. 

As I looked at the walls, I know I will have to go back to paint the trim. That is going to be a lot of work. I bounced back and forth between me doing all of it and hiring it out. I will wait and see how my hip holds up as I do want to try and do it myself. 

The last application of weed control was done on the lawn yesterday. There is just seeding, liming, and fall fertilizer left for this year. Then it is repeat for next year. 

Elliott laid on the back of the chair and was staring out the window at something and sniffing the air. 

He was totally ignoring me as I took his picture. 

Normally he looks at me when I do pictures and I loose the moment. Not yesterday.


I got quite a bit done on the cat quilt yesterday. I did have a few issues with it but got them fixed. 

I did one row of quilting in the center of the sashing. I will do the rest including the outer sashing to hold the batting in place. Once that is done, I will trim the edges and do the binding. A couple of days and it will be done. 

I did take a picture of the fabric for the Luna Lapin I am making this winter. 

The print is for the inside of her ears and soles of her feet. I know that I will give the solid fabric a light starching before I cut out the pieces. I want it as stable as possible when I work with the fabric. 


I finished the doll's sweater to the buttons which I need to buy. 

I am going with the wooden buttons as planned as that is what was on the little girl's sweater I saw in Sweden. 


    I am so happy that my hip has improved a lot since my last visits to osteopathy and physio. It is stiff in the morning but once I start moving, it leaves. I have very little pain which is nice. I am hoping that I can put longer between my visits which is now at 4 weeks.

    I am looking forward to finishing up some sewing projects and starting some new ones. With the weather cooling off, I want to be outside but know I need to try and fit in outdoor work and sewing. I know once the yard work is done, I will be able to sew most afternoons getting more stash sewn up. 

    My IBS has settled down a lot since coming home from Sweden. Not sure what has changed but it is nice not having the constant pain from it. I know it can flare up at any time so am watching my diet, stress, and pain which I know cause the flare ups. 


I have to go and pay my property taxes and deliver grandson's blazer to him. Once home, I will finish cleaning the bathroom. In the afternoon I will sew and I need to get socks started this evening. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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