Monday, August 26, 2024

Auction Projects Done

 Yesterday was warm and somewhat humid. The sun shone and the high got to 28C (humidex 33C). This morning it is foggy and 13C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 25C (humidex 29C).


I started the morning of doing the balance sheet. All went well and it balanced perfectly. I am doing well though I have 3 big bills to pay - land taxes, house insurance and car insurance by the end of November. I know I will need to budget for them over the next couple of months.   

Next on the list was to fold laundry and put it away. Done in no time flat which was great. I then moved on to cleaning the kitchen. I emptied the dishwasher, put away dishes, washed more dishes and wiped down counter tops. The floor was swept and mopped. It was dirty from the dust that came from under the fridge from pulling it out and cleaning under it on Friday. 

After lunch I went over to family's to get my stuff that they borrowed for the bbq. I sat and visited with them on their new patio area for 2 hours. It was quiet and relaxing and we talked about patio furniture, door locks, and the hot tub. 

Grandson loaded the car for me. I came home and he arrived on his bike. He put away the lawn chairs and tables into the shed and the crafting table into the basement. He then took the neighbour's dogs for a walk and went home. 

I went out and picked tomatoes last night. They are maturing off and will be done in the next few weeks. The rest of the garden is also maturing off though there are a lot of peppers to be picked and used. 

I used my little barbecue to make a hamburger and ate one of the tomatoes with it. I ended it with some fresh fruit. It was a delicious dinner. I ate well all day and hope to continue on this trend to loose the weight I have gained. Goal is to loose it by Christmas. 


I finished the wine bottle bag yesterday. Instead of using ribbon, I used a natural coloured cord for the tie. 

It is now packed into the box ready to ship to daughter. 

I looked in the sewing room and I need to sweep the floor and organize the next projects to finish them. Two quilts and a doll's outfit. 


I knit last night and got quite a few rows done. I am looking forward to having this done so I can pair it with a dress I want to make in September. 

I will need to wind yarn this week so I can start socks once again. 


    I looked at paint that I want to buy and got confused with which one to get. I went downstairs to look at what I had and know which one I will be buying. I get the more expensive paint as it covers much better than the cheaper ones. I am ready to buy new paint and will take the old cans to the paint recycling depot. Those cans have sat under the stairs for 5 years now. I am also thinking of painting the front door this fall but need to wait for the weather to cool off a bit. The sun hits that door on the hottest part of the day. 

     I looked in the shed and cringed at how much is in there. It is going to take me several days to clean it and get it organized. I will have to work on it slowly as I am not sure what I need and what I will let go of. I will talk to family about a couple of things and they may end up in the garage sale next year. I did move a couple of items into better spots. Those two spots look much better. I also emptied two pots of dirt into empty boxes and will be putting bags of dirt into the boxes when emptied. 

    I looked at the upstairs and am cringing at how much I need to do. Part is being busy with other things, part was being exhausted from the humidity, and part was feeling overwhelmed with things that needed to be done. I have been making a daily list and working through it. It is helping a lot. 


I have physio in an hour so need to eat. Once home I want to do some cleaning upstairs but it all depends on how sore I am. I am hoping to plug away at it slowly if I am sore. This afternoon I want to clean the sewing room and get the projects to finish them. Tonight I want to knit. It is a wait and see day due to physio.

Until the next time.................................................................

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