Friday, August 02, 2024

A Day Of Resting

 Good Morning from Halmstad. Yesterday was a bit cooler with a high of around 20C. I have no way of getting official temperatures. This morning there are some clouds and it is 11C. It is suppose to be another lovely day with a high of 22C. 

I am pushing myself into a schedule that is similar to home. It is working for me though I am tired. It will come in a few days. 

Yesterday we took the bus to where grandson and the other players practice. We did walk about 1 km to the field. Practice is interesting to watch. They do a lot of stretches between foot/ball exercises. The coaches help those who are having problems doing the exercises correctly. Once stretched out, they do a lot of foot exercises with the objective of moving the ball quickly and efficiently. The last part is scrimmaging and they do that differently every time. The session ends with stretching so their muscles won't cramp up.

The boy who was hurt had his collarbone cracked/fractured. Four others are off due to soreness and are waiting for physio. Not something you want to have happen when learning from the pros. I feel for them as they sit on the side and watch the others practice.

We also met new people from the professional team. All invited us to pizza next week. One person was the top person for the youth 15-19 which means he was looking at the players. They love that the three of us show up to watch the boys practice. 

We walked home from practice and had lunch. Daughter-in-law went to the beach and the girl's game. I stayed home to let my hip and knee rest. It certainly did need it as I could feel it relax all afternoon. I walked around the house a bit but didn't venture outside. The hip was calling for no pressure on it so it could recuperate. 

We are slowly figuring out the kitchen in the house. There is a microwave between 2 ovens. The cook top is induction so it beeps if you put something on it when it is off. The fan over the cook top is not very strong (like mine) but it is very modern. The sink is tiny for washing dishes and we haven't used the dishwasher. The fridge/freezer is small but not tiny. It has more space than what we use. 

We do enjoy having the kitchen to cook in as it is clean and modern. We are also saving $$ not having to eat out all the time. 


I haven't found a fabric store but I did hear from the quilt shop at home. I had entered my bag into the Christmas in July contest at the end of June. 

Also was included were 2 mug rugs. 

I won 3rd prize which shocked me. After seeing all the entries online, I thought other entries would have beat me and I would have been in the bottom 3rd. 


I finished the sock yesterday while resting my hip. It was a delight to knit. 

The 2nd sock is cast on and 5 rounds knit. 


We are off to watch the boy's practice this morning. Home to rest as daughter-in-law needs it and then back to watch a game at the same place. We plan on buying take out Asian food to eat once we get home. I will knit today and have another rest day also. 

Until the next time............................................................................

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