Friday, August 23, 2024

Refrigerator Woes

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and cloud with a high of about 24C. This morning it is clear and 12C. Today is suppose to be partly cloudy with a high of 23C.  The government weather station is acting up to get information and has been since last night. It is the website that is down for across Canada. 


Yesterday was fraught with stress. The fridge seemed warm though the freezer was ok. I pulled it out into the room to a first check. 

I had thought it would be very dirty behind there as this fridge has not been moved in the 7 years since it was put in. There was a pile of fluff in the front corner but the rest was just dusty. I cleaned up and gave the back the fridge a good sweep. 

I had to leave as I had to get my hair cut. When I returned home, I made 2 small dishes of lasagna and put them in the oven.

I turned my attention back to the fridge. I unplugged it, let it stand for a minute or two and plugged it back in. The same. I knew that something was wrong but what. Late afternoon, I told son and daughter-in-law about it. I went and bought a fridge thermometer and the temp was 60F. Son came over to look and was amazed at how clean it was. I did a bit more cleaning behind the fridge and pushed it back in. 

Daughter-in-law bought me a fridge as she was in Halifax. I got one of their electric coolers for the food I could keep and the rest will be thrown out. The new fridge arrived after 7 pm and it is cooling down until this afternoon. 

I need to call a repair man this morning to come and look at the fridge. It has cooled off 10F overnight. We wonder if a new thermostat is needed or if it got stuck in defrost mode. It is still new enough that it can be repaired and last for another 7 years. On a note, I found the receipt for it and it was 4 months old when we moved into the house. It replaced the original fridge that was 3-4 years old. 

The second stress was my bank card wouldn't work first thing but did later on. Was it me or was it the bank machine? Who knows but I have a new bank card arriving shortly. 

I went out and got the remaining deck chairs from the shed and put all 5 and a table into the car and delivered them to son's house for the bbq tomorrow. I can still crawl around in the shed and will be doing a clean out in there this fall. I looked at son's yard and the upper part is coming along nicely. The brick work will be done today. The hot tub is in and the electronic part I bought is on and son can tell you what you need to know about it on his phone. Best gift I ever gave him. 


To calm down, I decided to make piping. The first was 4.5 meters long. 

The second piece is 4 meters long.

I kept a strip to make piping for a wine bottle bag I kind of laid out to see how it would look. 

I have enough fabric to make 1 bag which is great. Once done, the box will be ready to shipped. 


None done last night as it was a busy evening at my house with the new fridge. 


    The fridge acting up was not what I wanted. It made extra work for me when I wanted to do other things. I know that I do not like this brand of fridge as it has horrible reviews overall when I did a search. It is a lower end product which is used here more often than not. It isn't one I would have bought. The stove and dishwasher are gone which didn't surprise me. I replaced them with higher end and different brands which have better reviews. 

    With the rain and humid weather, the weeds are growing rapidly. I will be going outside to weed when the weather is cooler. I may even go out and pull weeds for 15-20 minutes until it is done and do the hedge when it is cooler. I want it done before winter. I will also be putting the flower tubs to bed as soon as I clean up the shed. The beans need to be pulled thanks to the deer eating them. 


I am leaving in 30 minutes to pick up daughter-in-law in New Minas as her car gets air conditioning put in. It has been dead since June. We will have breakfast and do a bit of shopping. I would like to start the wine bottle bag if I have time and knit tonight. It is wait and see what I get done today. 

Until the next time............................................................

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