Friday, August 09, 2024

Heading Home

 Good Morning from Copenhagen Denmark. It is a cloudy day with rain showers and 19C. We are within an hour of finding our gate to leave. 

Thursday Aug 8

We left the Airbnb and headed over to the train terminal to head out to Copenhagen. We rode first class and it was extremely quiet and we could see the country side.

The closer we got to Copenhagen airport the more bikes we saw.

Just after I saw the bikes under the covers, the train stopped. We all had to leave the train and get on another train. Chaos reigned as we were told to get on. Grandson didn't get on and we panicked and I felt responsible for the mishap. We went on to Copenhagen packed like sardines while grandson had a wonderful quiet ride on the next train. We went to the hotel and I sat on the bed and cried as I felt responsible. I recovered from it all. 

The view from the hotel was superlative. 

The land you can barely see is Sweden. There was a cargo ship and some large sailboats on the water. 

We caught the train from the airport to Copenhagen Central. That was fun as we took the wrong train and ended up where we were suppose to be. Passengers really helped us. 

We walked downtown for a couple of hours but it was so busy that we did what we wanted to and left. But not before we found this Ducky Memory store. 

I had to buy this duck for a gift. 

Back at the hotel we saw the bridge that goes to Sweden. 

And a plane land. 

We decided to have dinner at a restaurant and it was a lovely meal. Then it was time to pack our things, go to bed, and be prepared for flying home today. 

I loved my trip to Sweden and enjoyed it very much. I am ready for a good night's sleep in my own bed. It is time to go home as it is with every trip one goes on. 

I doubt if I will post tomorrow as I will be tired from the long trip and getting in late. It will be adjustment day and I may do very little but get groceries and cuddle Elliott. 

Until the next time.........................................................

1 comment:

  1. Carol in Denver2:03 PM

    Thank you for sharing your travel experiences on your blog! I loved reading about them, and admire your spunk in taking on the challenges.
