Monday, August 05, 2024

I Tried and I Failed

Good Morning from Halmstad. We have 3 days left before we leave for Copenhagen on Thursday.  

Yesterday was wet, cool, warm, humid, and windy. The high got to around 19C. This morning it was cloudy 12C. Today is to be a mix of clouds and sun with a high of 20C.

Yesterday morning we moved slow until noon and then we were off to the soccer fields to watch grandson's team play against a Halmstad team. At the end of the block is a hydrangea tree. 

When we arrived the blooms were a creamy white. They have started to turn pink over the past week. By September I am sure they will be a burgundy colour. 

As it had rained, the snails came out and we saw quite a few of them on our walk. We did see a bunch together. They are quite pretty compared to the ones I see at home. 

Grandson's team played well though there were errors in their plays and not paying attention to other players signals. The Halmstad team played very well and had the advantage of putting out a whole new line up of players in the 2nd half. They won 5-1. After the game we walked home. 

We saw a scooter and I got on it while it was parked. No I did not start it just stood on it. 

We were going to rest when grandson texted they were going into town and he wanted us to join him. He wanted sushi but it wasn't happening. We started out by finding 2 scooters and when I tried to drive one, my sore hip hurt. I could not balance with it hurting. It would not hold the weight of my body when I started. I also did not have the balance I needed to get going.  We gave up after trying hard and walked into the city center. On the way, we saw a magnolia tree in bloom. 

We got the our side of the Nissan River and saw a statue in memory of Picasso. We walked down towards the river to get a good look at it. 

There was a gorgeous building behind it. 

At this point I took off and walked towards the bridge as something caught my eye. When daughter-in-law looked up from her phone, I was hiking down the path. What I saw was a fountain which was rather cool looking. 

On the other side of the bridge, I had spotted a boat docked at an old building. 

As we walked off the bridge, we met grandson and had to walk across the downtown area to where we were going to eat. We did sit in the town square looking at the water features and enjoying the quietness of the area. 

We ended up choosing burgers and fries for dinner. 

After dinner, we walked to a crepe house and on our way saw this old building. 

The crepe house was neat and we had milkshakes. 

Grandson and I had mango shakes and daughter-in-law had a Nutella one. We drank them at the city square. We did see a duck who came right up to you for bread, a sea gull begging us for food, and a bunch of jackdaws. Jackdaws are the smallest member of the crow family. These birds are super friendly and want you to feed them. 

We said goodnight to grandson and walked home. I did have to stop a few times on the way home as I was tired and sore. We walked 8.5 km going to the game, home, downtown, and back home. 


I did knit on the socks and am almost finished the leg of the 2nd sock. I doubt if it will be done before we get home but I am making progress. 


We are out to watch grandson practice at 10:00 am and then back home to get some things laundered and packed. We then go to the Halmstad stadium to have pizza at 6:30 pm. The gentleman who looks after the U15-19 boys has spoke to us every day for the past 3 days to say hello and to make sure we are attending. 

Until the next time.........................................................................

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