Monday, April 25, 2022

Making Plans

 Yesterday was grey, dull, windy, and down right depressing. The high got to 7.7C. This morning it is 3C, cloudy, and damp. It is suppose to get to 14C today with lots of drizzle. 


The Spousal Unit slept a lot yesterday. He was really tired and not rested when he woke up in the morning. I didn't push him and let him nap when he wanted to. He was more rested when he went to bed and slept well all night. 

I spent the morning cleaning house. I folded laundry, vacuumed floors, did laundry and cleaned up the kitchen until I was happier with it. I also did a bit of tidy up on the food shelf in the basement. I am pleased with what I did get done and need to push ahead most days to keep what is done tidy and do a bit more each day. I am trying to put together a long and short term plan so I can continue to get things done in both the house and yard.

I did have a short nap in the afternoon as I couldn't stay awake. I was at the point of being weepy and was worrying about things that I shouldn't be worrying about. I was going down the black hole rather quickly due to tiredness.

We went over to family's to deliver grandson's hemmed school pants and had tea with them. We got home in time for me to make dinner. The evening was quiet so the Spousal Unit could relax before bedtime and he stayed up later than he has for quite a while. He was relaxed which was good.


I hemmed grandson's school pants after lunch. He has only grown 2" since the beginning of September. Not bad for him. I have the 2nd pair to do this afternoon or tomorrow. 

I have been worrying about my output of sewing for several days. I was digging in what I'm donating and had an anxiety attack. I refocused and made a plan. I need two small packing boxes and I will go through all the donate boxes sorting items and pulling out at least 2 pieces of fabric to make dog blankets. 

I also had to remind myself that sewing 4 meters a month in our situation is good. If I keep it up, I can sew 100 meters in the next 2 years which is my goal. I need to refocus on the stash and get out my list of items I want to make. I'm focusing on Christmas gifts which has been successful. I'm also doing okay with the doll sewing. I keep telling myself that every half meter sewn up is a half meter off the shelf or out of a tub. I also have to remind myself that simple/easy is also okay. As I keep track of what I purchase, I have realized that I've sewn 5.8 meters of the 7.1 meters I bought this year. The 1.3 meters is slated for projects that I want to make in the next couple of months.


No knitting last night but I need to get back into the swing of it. 

I am behind on my knitting but I'm not worried about it. Once I start I know I will knit most nights. I have also bought less yarn in the past 2 years. The only splurge was to buy yarn for 2 pair of socks for daughter when it was on sale last fall. Most of the yarn can be made into socks, doll items, and hats for the homeless. I'm looking into hats next winter. Maybe the local food bank or the Salvation Army. 


I need to fold laundry and do a bit more cleaning this morning. I need to Lysol the house. We have Continuous Care and the cleaning company coming this afternoon. I may be able to hem grandson's pants between visits. I hope I can knit a few rounds tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Catherine Williams6:50 AM

    I love the blog. I have ordered a Gotz doll called Jessica. She's 18". Also McCall's 6526. I am also using the book, My Rag Doll by Corinne Crasbercu for inspiration. Best wishes Catherine
