Sunday, April 24, 2022

A Busy Day In The City

 We have had some sunny days with highs at or above 10C. Today it is cloudy, windy and 1C. Flurries are in the forecast and the high is 6C. Ugly to say the least. 


We are both tired as the Spousal Unit has been up several times every night. He naps during the day but I've just started resting. The last time I napped, I woke up more tired than when I went started. 

Yesterday was a very busy day for us. We were out of the house before 8 a.m. and the Spousal Unit spent the morning with son. He had to have coffee when he arrived at their house and he napped in their car into the city to watch grandson play soccer. 

Daughter-in-law and I went shopping in the city. We were done in good time, went to watch grandson play soccer. They treated us to Five Guys burgers which were delicious. We haven't had them for years. We came home and after the groceries were put away we rested. 

The Spousal Unit was overtired and had a bit of a rough night. I will have to make sure that he does less today so he can get himself back to his normal. He did enjoy himself as son spent a lot of time talking to him as did daughter-in-law. 

I am focusing on doing a bit more housework each morning. I need to keep focused on it even if I am tired. I keep the kitchen clean and have done the bathroom. I need to vacuum and fold laundry today. I also need to do a garbage sweep as the Spousal Unit has stuff everywhere. 

We are booked to have our 2nd booster shots on Wednesday. The Spousal Unit's took me no time flat and then I was on the phone for almost 50 minutes to get mine booked. Their was an error in their network. We go in one behind the other so I can have the Spousal Unit with me. The cat goes to the vet that morning so I am worried about leaving the Spousal Unit alone in the morning.


Two pieces of fabric are cut out for piping as is the Edwardian walking skirt and Antheia top. I got the thread yesterday while shopping. 

I have to hem grandson's school pants. Since September he has grown but his pants only need lengthening just over an inch. Hopefully he is slowing down as he is now over 6 feet tall. I will hem one pair today and one pair on Tuesday. 


I looked at it but did nothing. I will get back to it though once things have slowed down. 


The goal is to do a sweep of the house and laundry. Put away what I can, do the floors, and have the house respectable for tomorrow. I have to hem pants and I may even get started on the Edwardian walking skirt. I doubt if I will knit tonight as I know I will be exhausted by then. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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